View Full Version : Anxiety over tiny things.

14-05-11, 18:07
Hi Guys,

I wonder if anyone can offer any advice. Recently I have developed anxiety when doing very menial tasks such as checking my online banking, making a phone call, or dealing with awkward clients, or opening letters. I find that when faced with the task, my heart races, palms sweat, and I feel dreadful and terrified of what might happen. Also I worry about dying a lot, or becoming ill, and am constantly convinced that I have some awful disease.

Looking back, I have always been an anxious person but some recent life events have left me feeling quite rough around the edges and a bit frazzled.

I met my lovely partner 6 years ago and feel pregnant after a year and decided not to keep the baby due to our circumstances. That same year I was bullied at college and had severe financial problems. Over that time I was anxious and developed a fear of opening letters, felt awful about the termination and had problems with intimacy, and the bullying just left me constantly tearful and now I'm a people pleaser who can't stand the thought of not being liked.

I slowly came back to life and life has been great, until last year we decided to buy a house and my financial history came back to haunt me, and i decided to learn how to drive, which has been horrendously stressful and scary, but I passed last week finally. Now I have noticed that the anxiety remains and is showing up where I least expect it. Why is this happening now. I wish I could shake these feelings. sorry this is long.

Has anyone experienced this before?

15-05-11, 18:48
hello, I had a very stressful year last year and at the beginning of this year, thats when all my anxiety started. My doctor said that after a series of stressful events this can sometimes happen as its just one thing to many that we are able to cope with. I can't really offer too much advice as I am still going through it all myself but I have the same fears/worries as you do, about being ill etc etc but I am on here most days if you want a chat, i think it really helps to talk to people in the same situation and i am on here most days its a lovely place.

Kayleigh x

16-05-11, 10:37
At the moment I'm not listening to my answer machine messages. It's not that I'm worried about getting an upsetting message, I'm just finding it hard to make myself do it. I look at the machine and think I'll do it tomorrow. I've not listened to it for about a week now. Avoidance!