View Full Version : newbie

14-05-11, 20:21
Hi. I have found this forum, and it looks the best to share stuff, looked at loads of things on anxiety. I am suffering terrible right now, got so embarrassed as a friend from the past knocked my door, and i had to tell my husband to get rid of them, i was in the middle of a huge panic attack, i now feel terrible. I have been hiding my agrophobia for 30 years with only my husband knowing, I have 3 kids and they cant understand why i dont go out. I have been in terrible stress just lately and the panic attacks have returned, I want to get them under control and dont know how, should i go to the doctor? was there two weeks ago and diagnosed with thryroid trouble, and given medication, i then started to have a racing heart and stopped taking them, thinking it was causing my racing heart, but the racing is still happening, so think i am back into anxiety attacks again, I need to get this sorted, as i am feeling so miserable and worried i am dragging my husband down with me. How do you all cope when in the middle of an attack? I dont think i am a stupid person, but i just dont know how to cope. I am in the Uk by the way, not that it makes any difference. Hope i am posting this where it should be, but apologies if its not.

14-05-11, 20:27
Hi carole246

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-05-11, 20:45
thank you Nicola, in a strange way it has helped a bit, just knowing that there are like minded people here, its hard to talk to people that dont know how you are feeling, so thank you for just being there.

15-05-11, 07:20
Hi Carole,
Since you could get many different opinions as there are people to give them on what is good for coping, it comes down to what works best for you. But then you knew that already. How about your symptoms...in other words, depending on what they are, you could take steps to ease them. For example, if panic hits you in the stomach, you could take something for that. If it's more than one symptom or feeling at a time, then maybe distraction would help. Just something as simple as doing anything that will occupy your mind for a while until your symptoms ease. For some, that would include playing a video game or anything that requires concentrating on. Re-focusing your mind outside yourself. Also in general, trying not to fight the panic helps although for many, this is not easy without the help of medication. I think it's an excellent idea to explain what's going on in detail to your doctor. I wish you well.

15-05-11, 10:23
:) Hi Carole, i'm sorry you feel so bad, but i agree with musicman, you have suffered long enough, see your gp for help, and let them know you have stopped your thyroid meds, the symptoms of a thyroid disorder can be very similar to anxiety/and or depression so you need to address them both. please make an appointment you will be surprised at the amount of help is out there,:welcome:and welcome to nmp take care, and keep us posted xxx

Veronica H
15-05-11, 12:01
:welcome:to NMP Carol.

15-05-11, 22:55
thank you for your replies, yes i am going to make another dr appointment tomorrow, had a massive panic attack today and it took a few hours for me to calm down, can't believe how i cant cope with stress, the smallest things start me off. I had no idea that underactive thyroid can mimic depression, i am normally quite a strong person, and dont give in to being ill very easily. The agrophobia is a tough one, as to get help you need to go out, and that is where i am stopped in my tracks, just the thought of going out scares the hell out of me. I have to get myself mentally prepared just to make a dr appointment, and i know its daft, and i do give myself a good talking too over it, but anxiety overtakes me. Has anyone got any tips on how they get out of a panic attack? would be nice to know some of them. What a nice bunch you are xx

16-05-11, 19:02
Hi Carole,
Glad to know you're seeing your doctor. As far as what to do when having a panic attack, that's a tough one to answer but I'll try. Anything you can think of to distract yourself helps. Getting your mind off and out of yourself. Not trying to fight the feelings and sensations. Trying not to add more anxiety by thinking something terrible is about to happen. Attitude plays a big part. It always helps (if I believe it) to tell myself that I don't care what happens. This helps release that tight grip on yourself caused by fighting it and trying too hard to stop it. Let's face it, if we're already in the middle of a panic attack, it's too late to stop anything. So by then, it's best to ride the waves as best you can without adding more fuel to give them more power. Everything always looks good and easy on paper and the hard part is doing it but it is possible. Stay focused and positive and that should be a good start.

18-05-11, 15:41
thank you for your advice Musicman, Yes i agree with you, when that real bad panic starts its not easy to control it. I do give myself a good talking to as well, but it doesnt really work, have spoken with the dr now, and they are going to let me carry on taking a low dose of anti depressant, as they seem to work , took it twice yesterday and wasn't so bad.I am not one for taking pills, but needed a bit of help. And will only try to take them when needed. I am having a much better day today, and managed to get a few jobs done.Its so nice to have a forum like this, it just is nice to know that there is someone out there in internet land that is so helpful and also you dont feel so alone. thanks again.

18-05-11, 19:21
You're very welcome, Carole and please don't hesitate if you need someone out there to talk to.

19-05-11, 18:10
Hi, I am having a bad day today, dont know why, seems i woke up with panics, and have been like it all day now, even had to take an extra 10 mg of amitrypline, dont know if i am allowed to do that, but couldnt cope. Why am i having one bad day and then a good day and then a bad day, it doesnt make sense at all. Do you think that this is normal?

19-05-11, 19:22
Hi Carole,
Yes it makes sense and is normal for those of us dealing with anxiety disorder. It's very common to wake up feeling anxious and this can be due to many reasons. I've been researching it and it seems partly because of lack of food and cortisol. Some people deal with this by forcing themselves to have something to eat even though they may not even be hungry and they say it helps. I myself keep mints handy and if I awaken with anxiety, I'll use them and the sugar helps.
There can be and are many triggers to morning anxiety. Maybe you're worried a bit about the next day before you sleep or worried about the day ahead when you wake. Maybe you feel a particular bodily sensation and start to worry that it might mean something's wrong. A simple thought, worry or body sensation can all be triggers. It's all a part of the disorder and there's nothing to be alarmed about. Once again, it comes down to what works best for you in dealing with it. Wishing you well.

19-05-11, 19:55
do you know why anti depressants take time to work? I am willing myself to be normal again, but its very hard. Had a brilliant day yesterday, and today feel terrible again, why is that? How can you have one day where you can take on the world and feel ok and then you go to bed and wake up feel almost suicidal, it just doesnt make sense at all to me. Hoping I get a better day tomorrow, got some decorating to do, so fingers crossed

19-05-11, 20:47
well Musicman, you have helped me again, good tip about the mints, I have lost a stone in weight over the last 4 weeks, must admit, i could do with it, but dont want to be losing anymore !! You talk so much sense, I do not eat much, havent got the slightest appetite, but will try to force myself to eat something right now ! and will take mints to bed with me tonight. How long have you been on your meds? you seem further down the road than me, which is lucky for me cos I get to know how to cope because of your knowledge, and anything that helps I will grab with both hands ! I appreciate that, thank you.

19-05-11, 21:02
Hi Carole,
I've been on tranquilizers for my anxiety disorder since 1991. As far as anti-depressants, Ive been on a number of them through different doctors for several years now.

19-05-11, 21:27
new you were further down the road than me lol. I try to read up on anxiety as well, there seems to be so many different ways it can affect you. but would rather know everything and then it helps me to realise that i am not alone, got a long road ahead of me it seems tho. have you ever tried to come off them, the dr here doesnt like people to be on them for long, in case they get addicted, i would be so worried if they took me off them before i was ready. Did you have to fight to stay on them or where they pretty good with you? I have recently been diagnosed with an under active thyroid, and as i was having palpitations in the mornings i thought it was the meds so stopped taking them, but they dr said i have to go back on them, so going to try again tomorrow