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14-05-11, 20:25
i have been having bad time with my stomach lately i basically look 9 months pregnant :weep: (which am not) i get bad pains and then have to trump which relives the pains for a short while and i crave sugar 24/7:weep: i was talking to a friend who asked if i was pregnant :ohmy: and when i told hem no and explained my symptoms bloating / bad smelly wind etc they then talked about yeast infection candaid or something like that!!
my stomach is so sore as its so swollening just below ribs in the center it all feels so tender and down all my left side, and a bad pressure feeling above pubic bone.. but the worse is the smell no 1 will sit with me as it smells so bad and the nausea is horrible i am getting this everyday what could it be or how can you find out if it is a yeast infection ?? and how s it treated?

14-05-11, 20:53
I have problems with candida in the past. it is quite difficult to diagnose there are anti fungal tablets but in my experience they only worked short term. candida in the gut feeds off sugar and simple carbs, so your diet will play a big part in it. it is very common to really crave sugary foods and get low blood sugar symptoms. the best way to treat it is to go on the candida diet as it starves the candida of what it needs to grow. its a pretty one to stick to but might be worth a try, If you search candida diet you will find loads on the net about it xx

14-05-11, 21:53
I have problems with candida in the past. it is quite difficult to diagnose there are anti fungal tablets but in my experience they only worked short term. candida in the gut feeds off sugar and simple carbs, so your diet will play a big part in it. it is very common to really crave sugary foods and get low blood sugar symptoms. the best way to treat it is to go on the candida diet as it starves the candida of what it needs to grow. its a pretty one to stick to but might be worth a try, If you search candida diet you will find loads on the net about it xx

my diet is CRAP chocolate/sugars etc but have just read all up on the yeast candida diet and am gonna give this a go as i hate these sugar cravings and stomach pains/ wind etc

15-05-11, 10:05
Hi Honeyple
I thought you were going to try the candie diet and what did you have this morning some chocolate lol


15-05-11, 14:18
Hi Honeyple
I thought you were going to try the candie diet and what did you have this morning some chocolate lol


I had a car crash this morning still all shaken now just feel sickly :( i totally forgot about that diet and the home test :(