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View Full Version : Does anyone get gallbladder problems

14-05-11, 21:39
Hi there I keep getting a crushing pain in my shoulder blades and on my left shoulder and sweating but my doc thinks it is gallbladder problems it is always worse when I have fat but the pain is in my left shoulder all ive read says the pain can be mostly in the right shoulder and left shoulder pain would indicate heart problems.

Hazel B
14-05-11, 22:15
I had my gallbladder taken out 5 months ago. The pain I had was down my right hand side, like an awful stitch (the location is at the side where your liver is). I also had pain like indigestion but much worse between midnight and 3 am, it woke me up and stopped me sleeping. Once I knew I had gallstones, I cut out fat before the op. and the pain did ease off but I found that when it was bad, no pain killer could help. I did get a bit of shoulder pain but it was on the right.

Diagnosis for me was after 2 ultrasound scans, a CT scan and an MRI, it took a while. I'm OK now.

Hope you find out soon what it is.