View Full Version : Is anyone a student with panic disorder?

14-05-11, 23:17

I'm just finishing my first year of Uni and it's been a bit of a nightmare in terms of having panic attacks. I get them most in crowded places, such as lecture theatres, and this has really affected my attendance. I haven't been able to stay in a lecture for more than 20 minutes the whole time I've been at uni, since September. Recently they've been happening in other situations too, like when I'm driving, and now I'm feeling worried about going to seminars because I think that it might happen there and people will notice.

So I'm wondering if anyone else reading this is a student, and if so how do you cope with it? I have exams coming up but I feel as if I haven't learnt anything at all because I've missed so much despite trying hard to keep up. I have considered dropping out of uni but I really don't want to because the job I want to do requires me to complete this degree. I'd be really grateful if anyone can offer any advice.


15-05-11, 08:46
Hey Lucy,

I was a student once :) What about going to see your GP and getting reffered for some courses in trying to cope with the sensations that you get, it could really help. Obviously people on this forum will be able to help. I went to see a counsellor on how to deal with my panic attacks, and she was brilliant, I am much better now at coping with them. I think you would gain a lot from this too. Maybe speak to someone at uni and explain the situation as you cant let this affect your education.

Chin up:bighug1:

16-05-11, 10:15
Hello Lucy,

I'm a postgraduate Uni student and I've been suffering from panic attacks for 10 years now... The best advice I can give you is to just keep on distracting yourself when you feel the panic coming on.
What helps me is just focusing on the lectures, taking notes, etc. I really do enjoy my studies, so that's an added bonus, I suppose- means that I can really focus in class and by doing so take my mind off of the anxiety almost completely. It gets difficult at times, though, that I won't deny, but you just need to keep on going to lectures and try and live your life as if there was no such thing as anxiety.
I know that what I've just said has got an 'easier said than done' ring to it, but trust me, I know what you're going through, I know exactly how you feel, as I'm in the same boat! :winks:
You'll get through this, and in the end you're going to be glad that you went to lectures and did your assignments. It's going to give you a sense of achievement, and make you feel as if you've beaten the panic.

Good luck, take care!!! :flowers: