View Full Version : Struggling to move to 60mg citalopram

15-05-11, 00:04

I've been stressed due to other health problems for the last couple of weeks (nothing too serious!). Seeing the GP is causing me loads of stress, I saw the nurse today and felt physically sick just walking into the building. The GP upped my citalopram from 40mg to 60 three weeks ago.

At first the dose increase didn't seem to bother me, but now I'm freaking out for no reason at all. This isn't too unusual but not to the level I'm getting now.

I know that it can take citalopram a while to settle. I'm wondering if anyone's experienced something similar at 3+ weeks?

I can stick it out for a while longer but if its just going to get worse then maybe I'll be better taking a big hit by seeing the GP (I'd rather not, would like a week or so for things to settlle after seeing the nurse).

Am ok, just very tired.

15-05-11, 00:48

I will move this to the Citalopram forum for you

15-05-11, 13:41
Unfortunately it can take several weeks before side effects 'settle' as you say. Therefore, if you can, try to stick it out, but if it gets beyond endurance then you could always make a telephone appointment with your GP which should be easier for you. I do sympathise though as it took over 2 months for me to feel an improvement and for side effects to abate, but we all react in a unique way based on our circumstances and brain chemistry, so you could feel entirely different next week.

15-05-11, 22:21
Thanks, I'll try and stick it out for a bit longer.

I know it takes a while, I guess its just the panic/head exploding phase I'm going through. Am literally nearly ripping my hair out. Paracetomol's helping with the headaches. I had this when I started but didn't suffer much on the 20mg to 40mg move.

Hey - I'll lose weight! Can't eat too much and am permanently on the move! Its not all bad.

15-05-11, 23:59
Thanks, I'll try and stick it out for a bit longer.

I know it takes a while, I guess its just the panic/head exploding phase I'm going through. Am literally nearly ripping my hair out. Paracetomol's helping with the headaches. I had this when I started but didn't suffer much on the 20mg to 40mg move.

It's probably because 60mg is the max dose and your system needs a while longer to fully adjust. I know how awful it can be and the "it gets worse before it gets better" mantra can sound hollow but it really does unfortunately work like that with meds at times.

Hey - I'll lose weight! Can't eat too much and am permanently on the move! Its not all bad.

That's the attitude to have - if you look hard enough there's always something positive lurking around :D

16-05-11, 05:46
Try to hang in there. I had a real struggle when I switched back to citalopram. It seemed to take forever to work and I kept doubting it would. It took a good 4-6 weeks and then kicked in fairly well. I am having a blip now and wondering if upping my dose would help. I am at 40 mgs now and have been on it for 11 years less one that I was on cymbalta.