View Full Version : constant hunger

15-05-11, 09:34
I am really coming to my wits end of this constant hunger feelings/ cravings they are really stressing me out so so much i wake up every morning have a bowl of porridge, (usually big bowl) then 2secs later am starving again so i make myself 1-2 toast and within 10 min's am still hungry so i then i get some snacks (choc / biscuits etc..) am only 5ft3 / 7st 4lb's and i feel i just wanna eat & eat 24/7 i no that i went a good few months without eating and maybe its now catching up with me but its really stressing me out so so much as i just wanna eat but i don't no if its real hunger or am just craving what i have missed out on for so long or maybe a yeast infection ??
people just say to me if you feel like food then just eat but am still having those negatives thoughts about if i carry on eating i will make myself sick etc sometimes i just can ignore the thoughts as i tell myself to shut up and i eat but then sometimes i hear the thoughts ""if i eat this i will vomit etc... my dietitian told me that i just have to at least take one more bite even if i don't want to just to prove to myself that i wont vomit and that when am full or close to full i will no and stop eating anyway...
should i get my citalopram highered up again?? am just on 20mg but i do think i should go higher ?

15-05-11, 10:13
Hi Honeypie, You lucky girl 7st 4, oooh i wish, think you are eating more because you hopefully feel better , then again your meds can have something to to do with the cravings i too am on cit, and found i had to eat more that usual, after the initial side effects, but it has calmed down now, and i try to keep myself busy, it's the evenings that i feel the urge to eat too much. i suspect your dietician wants you to eat as you are very slim, so i would,t worry about it, as as you get better the cravings should subside. take care and don't worry you'll be fine :hugs::hugs:

macc noodle
15-05-11, 10:43
Hey HoneyP1e

You are having a rough time aren't you? :hugs:

I am sorry not much use with any emetephobia advice but I do know that when my IBS is really bad and painful I get so stressed about eating that I either eat not enough (which increases the wind and pain) or eat too much (yes, you guessed it - increases the wind and the pain)........................

A horrible vicious circle which I guess you are stuck in too.

All we can do is keep trying to find a level at which (1) we are not always hungry and (2) we are not always stressed about our stomachs or phobias!!!

Sage words - but I have to keep telling myself that it will get better soon. I have given up on the antacids as they make me worse but that is just me!!!

Hope you are having a better day today.


15-05-11, 12:07
Hi Honeypie, You lucky girl 7st 4, oooh i wish, think you are eating more because you hopefully feel better , then again your meds can have something to to do with the cravings i too am on cit, and found i had to eat more that usual, after the initial side effects, but it has calmed down now, and i try to keep myself busy, it's the evenings that i feel the urge to eat too much. i suspect your dietician wants you to eat as you are very slim, so i would,t worry about it, as as you get better the cravings should subside. take care and don't worry you'll be fine :hugs::hugs:

Hi i don't see my dietitian anymore as i didn't find she was helping me when i was seeing her about a month ago i just weighted 5 & half stone because i stopped eating from loss of appetite when my anxiety was very high so i just never ate (i have a fear of vomiting i wouldn't eat as kept thinking negative that i would be sick f did eat) (god knows how or why i am still here) as i was so weak and couldn't do anything then i finally started taking citalopram about 7-8 weeks ago :D and the first two weeks i still had no appetite then about 3weeks ago my appetite just came from no where i just feel that i could sit here and eat and eat but am still having some negative thinking about if i eat i will be sick etc but i just wanna eat until i feel comfy but can't with these negative thoughts do you think i need my cit upping ??
when you felt like your appetite had gotten bigger did you just eat what you felt like etc ?
maybe the appetite am having of wanting more is normal like before my anxiety went high n i stopped eating i remember i used to just pig out everyday but just cant remember how much but what i have eaten this morning i think is a lot where as my boyfriend said thats a normal breakfast then a snack??

4am - 2 small toast / pk rolos
5.30am - small bowl of porridge
small bakewell tart & cuppa
11am - some jelly babies

i just can't stop this negative thinking

19-05-11, 17:19
Thats not a lot to eat really ,not for me anyway .

I lost 2 stone before the cit kicked in and when i felt better i ate more and put weight on , nothing to worry about its better eating than letting the acid work on an empty stomach . Your fine stop worrying hun :D

19-05-11, 18:49
Thats not a lot to eat really ,not for me anyway .

I lost 2 stone before the cit kicked in and when i felt better i ate more and put weight on , nothing to worry about its better eating than letting the acid work on an empty stomach . Your fine stop worrying hun :D

this is why i also wanted my citalopram upping as the negative thinking still chatting away telling me i have oven eaten etc x x

19-05-11, 21:16
That answered a question for me too Macc Noodle:) I havent eaten properly for 12 months and wondered if lack of food caused more tum wind.

Honeyp1e..I didnt find my nutritionist very helpful either. I told her I had intolerances to certain foods and she kept suggesting them in list of foods to try !!.. I was told though by several people who have been through an eating problem that the calories should be added gradually.. i.e. I was on 1000 cals day and suggested I add 100 cals a week to this so that my system got used to it naturally. I rarely manage about 1300 and my BMR is 1270.. so I only have excess of approx 30 cals a day. Bearing in mind 3,500 cals =1 lb, I can just maintain my weight on what I eat.
I dont know about the medication you take making you more hungry as I dont take meds but others here can tell you about that with their experience of it.

20-05-11, 09:34
Quite a few anti-depressants seem to increase appetite, but also I would have thought that your own body is trying to get you back to a normal weight. We have a lot of inbuilt mechanisms that work to keep us balanced, and our bodies have a sort of "ideal" weight for us, therefore if you've been below that for a long time, your body will be fighting to try to get you back to a healthy weight.