View Full Version : has anyone got used to or lost the fear of palpitations??

15-05-11, 09:38
Hello, I have had palps for years!! Had every test man has to offer all with a clean bill of heart health!! Even had the palps caught on tape and been deemed benign...... But why do they still scare me?? I can go months with none and then they sneak back for a few days, each time getting me scared which feeds into them!! Has anyone managed to just accept that they have these , they are harmless amen????

15-05-11, 09:55
Yes they are harmless !! :D !!
i used to totally freak out every time i would feel the palp's coming on but now am not so bad with them mine is more the churning stomach i freak out every time i feel this starting as i no the anxiety/panic is about to follow i always found the sooner i could relax and ignore the pals the quickest they went away x

15-05-11, 10:07
So they don't really scare u anymore?? I mean u don't fear something has been missed?? Have yours been caught on a monitor??? X

macc noodle
15-05-11, 10:45
NO Bexy I haven't - once they start then I cant breathe and then my head goes and it goes on and on

15-05-11, 11:00
I get paps and they don't scare me - the things that scare me are passing out or losing control rather than the phyical things I can actually feel. paps to me means my healthy strong heart is doing what it should do - hope that makes sense :)

15-05-11, 15:53
Thanks guys!!! They don't scare me as much but still hate them!! Anyone else

15-05-11, 18:41
I used to be petrified by them but now I'm not too bad. I mean, they still give me a little fright. I can't totally dismiss them but I'm not hysterical now when they happen. I used to be really bothered by them but now, I give it a couple of seconds thought and then I just get on with it. They're harmless. People that don't have anxiety get them and don't bother about it, where as we're so worried about our health that we think it's a threat, but it's not.

You're lucky that you have months without them. I normally get atleast one a day. Some days I don't get any. The longest I've gone without one is prob a week or so. The fact that you're palps have been caught on tape is proof that they are without a doubt harmless. You should take comfort in that.

I'm sure a day will come when palps won't bother you atall. It's just a matter of time and acceptance. :)