View Full Version : Head Pains

18-04-06, 10:55

Just wondering if this is another common symptom, as I havent seen it mentioned yet.

I suffer from what I call Head Pains. Not headaches but pains that come and go, they move around the head and they are like quick throbs and then they go. Sometimes I feel like something in my head needs to pop!

I constantly worry that this is a brain Tumour of some sort or anuerysm.
I have been told by GP that it is stress, however I find it hard to believe that i can cause this pain myself. I have been stressed before but this pain is very new. It has been happening on and off since xmas!

Sometimes I can go weeks without it occuring very often but then some days it is there all the time and worries me so much.

Can anyone relate to this....is this common or should I be worried.

I appreciate your comments.

Thanks [8)]

Hay x

18-04-06, 11:06
hayles my friend who is also anxiety stricken talks of these apins often. exactly the same ones. in fact she mentioned them yesterday, and i cannot wait to tell her she is not alone

i know for a fact that head pains are the sure sign of panic and anxiety, i suffer from bad sinuses because of mine

hope this helps


18-04-06, 11:19

Thanks that is good news. it horrible, as I wouldnt wish this on anyone else, but knowing someone else suffers the same
makes you feel heaps better.

Is yor friend registered on this site?

Maybe your Friend could PM me or something!

Tell your friend I say Hi!

Hay x

18-04-06, 12:06
Hi Hayles, I can totally relate to this symptom. I used to suffer with head pains at the start of my anxiety and panic attacks. The first panic attack I ever had came with the most awful throbbing in my head, i thought I was going to have a stroke. Afterwards for months and months I had shooting pains in different parts of my head which would come and go throughout the day and then other days I would get throbs all over my head and i was so scared It was something serious that I begged my GP to refer me for a brain scan which I had to wait nearly 6 months for as the doctor didn't think it was anything serious. I saw a neurologist who did a CT scan and it was clear. He said it was due to tension and anxiety, they eventually cleared up but I do still get them from time to time when I am extremely tense or anxious. I have suffered with panic and anxiety for 5 years, the first 3 years being the worst and suffred terrible health anxiety where I would think I had all sorts of illnesses. Mine was down to post-natal depression, but I am doing alot better now and I have had every symptom of anxiety posssible so things do get better, I am now due to give birth to my third child any day now and even though I have suffered some anxiety symtoms I am confident that should I get postnatal depression again and my anxiety gets really bad that I can come through it again.
I hope this helps to reassure you that you are not alone, feel free to PM me anytime.
Love Lisaxx

05-03-10, 16:02
I just started having these dull sort of pokey sharp pains in the upper right hand side of my head myself. Starting last week. I used to just get tension headaches only in my forhead above my eyes and stuff, just a tight feeling. but then over a week ago i was sitting on the computer checking my email and just having a normal day, whatever those are, and suddenly two fast pains hit me twice right there on my head. it scared me so much i felt some panick that made me feel heat flashy and sick so i called my grandma who lives nearby to come over so i was not alone if anything happened. Now I just have that headache mainly there and today i woke up and discovered its mainly there but moving around a little bit to even my left side but i feel it more so in that same spot on my right side of my head. everyone keeps telling me its stresss related and im not alone. i havent gone to my GP yet b/c my husband just got a new job and we are in between insurance waiting for the new one to kick in . I myself have 1 stepdaughter, a child that died at 14 months old exactly 3 yrs ago, and i have a 2 yr old little girl. I am a stay at home mom.

13-06-11, 06:50
may i ask do your head pains comes with nausea and loss of appitite? i really hope im fine, so worrying to think that you are genuinely unwell

13-06-11, 07:16
and fatigue as well?

05-09-12, 00:54
My name is Heather. For almost a year now i have been experiencing sharp pains in my head that come and go and last only seconds. I also get a warm/burning sensation in my head. It sorta in a way feels like a sunburn in my head. These usually happen on the left side but occasionally move around. Everytime i have an ache or pain anywhere i freak out and think i have a brain tumor or an anyerisum. I have seen a complete list of anxiety and i have had like 48 symptoms regularly. It is horrible. This causes me to not wanna do anything. I feel i am out of place and alone. And im terrified. I have been to two doctors who believe i have built up anxiety. Its just all this came out of no where. I also get chest pains.dizziness.nausa.distorted vision.and i feel depressed alot of the times. Can someone anyone tell me this is just anxiety!!!

15-12-12, 21:27
I love amb the same as u ihave had this 4 3 years now and wish it wud get better one day as i have 5 kids i go to docs and all they say is anxty all the time and sterss asick to deth i dont feel like a mum to my kids coz amb always worrying about my self the meds he put me on have helpet a bit.