View Full Version : If you feel ill, does it bring out your anxiety?

15-05-11, 19:25
Pre anxiety, if I got a stomach ache or a headache, I would just deal with it, and it would pass. Since anxiety, if I feel ill, it brings out my anxiety. I worry about being ill, worry its something more serious. Its so annoying!! Even when I got stomach cramps for first couple of days of my period, which is the norm for me, it makes me feel anxious.

15-05-11, 21:03
Hi im exactly the same. Today i felt really sick and had stomach pains. On and off all day my anx has been bad.

i worry that the smallest thing is going to be a serious health problem and i today because i had tingling im think MS!

mandie x

16-05-11, 04:27
Hi. Yes, this is true for me. I have Fibromyalgia and when I get severe pains I panic automatically as if it's how my body has learned to react to pain. It doesn't even accompany a thought, just the pain. I often have bad anxiety when I'm going down with a bug or a cold or something as well.

16-05-11, 08:38
I can relate to that. The slightest pain (which I normally would just get on with) brings about a surge of adrenaline, pounding heart and thoughts that if the pain doesn't kill me then my pounding heart will lead to a heart attack. We can't win either way. When my anxiety is not raging I can accept things for what they are but when I'm going mad then death is just around the corner (apparently). Can't wait for my current spurt of madness to lift so I can go back to being (almost) normal again.

16-05-11, 09:57
It's enough to drive one MAD! :wacko:

16-05-11, 18:11
Yes, anxiety makes everything 100% worse for me, worrying has lead to health anxiety, I obsess over everything, but lately ive tried to put mind over matter.

Loz x

17-05-11, 11:06
When my anxiety is not raging I can accept things for what they are but when I'm going mad then death is just around the corner (apparently). Can't wait for my current spurt of madness to lift so I can go back to being (almost) normal again.

I know exactly how you feel. When I feel ok, nothing bothers me and I wonder why on earth I get worked up about stuff. Then as soon as the anxiety kicks in, everything is magnified!

17-05-11, 11:18

17-05-11, 11:29
I am exactly the same, before I developed anxiety if I felt sick or had a headache etc.. I ignored it and got on with life, since I developed anxiety a few months ago after a health scare the slightest little thing seems to send me spiraling.

Just yesterday I felt sick whilst making breakfast and ended up having a little panic attack by the time I reached work and burst into tears in the middle of the office! I feel the same today :weep: