View Full Version : Really scared now!I dont want to go to the Dr

15-05-11, 22:36
The last few days I have had an electrical feeling in my lower back going down my legs and in my feet. The feeling in my feet and legs is somewhat of a tingling and slight pins and needles feeling.It varies some..seems to be real bd and then is a very light feeling and no real pain just a feeling of pressure on my lower back like someone pressing something up against it.

I have had a slight electrical feeling in my back off and on for several months but it usually comes and goes most times but this time it seems somewhat worst and doesnt seem like its going to subside. When I geet up and walk around some I cant seem to feel it but when sitting or lying down I can.

I have seen several explinations for this.One sciatica another something to do with diabetes which I really dont think I have another from deteoration of bones and padding in lower back and then there are tumors and a million other explinations. Some people have had all the test and never found out what causes it. Im really scared,im terrified of going to the doc but really im worried about this as it seems worse and doest seem to be going away this time. Somebody help please? If you are someone you know have experienced this please let me know. I hope its nothing serious but im scared.

I dont seem to have any other symptoms other than some deep pain in my penis but its very little. Im really concerned.HELP?

paula lynne
15-05-11, 22:41
Hi, sounds like sciatica to me. I totally get the electrical shocks/impulse feeling....it used to take my legs from underneath me literally. Rest helps, put your feet up for a day or two.....

15-05-11, 22:46
It could be a trapped nerve I guess.

15-05-11, 22:48
Oh yeah forgot to mention that they say it could be bad circulation and MS . There are so many explinations.

Paul ...does this sound like for sure sciatica??? There are so many possibles on this.... Also ,so far I have just had the electrical and not really any pain...is that common with sciatica ? My wife aaid hat with her sciatica she had the electrical feeling prior to pain but later started having pain instead...help again please

15-05-11, 22:48
Nicola is trapped nerve common or dangerous?

15-05-11, 23:03
Not dangerous no. I think physio helps it

15-05-11, 23:14
What is psysio? Is there any exercises you can do to relieve this? Also it feels more like electricty in the lower back and legs but I do have some pain in my left butt cheek but its more of electricity feeling in lower back and legs than anything...still sound like sciatica to you?

15-05-11, 23:38

You would need to get it diagnosed properly though I would think

15-05-11, 23:47
What is psysio? Is there any exercises you can do to relieve this? Also it feels more like electricty in the lower back and legs but I do have some pain in my left butt cheek but its more of electricity feeling in lower back and legs than anything...still sound like sciatica to you?

Yes it does - I had the "electric" shock-like feeling when I had a neck injury. It certainly does sound nerve-related so could be sciatica. Get it checked out Michael but it's nothing to panic over as there are treatments for this.

16-05-11, 00:40
There really isnt much pain just an electric feeling/buzzing in my back and legs.Could this just be sciatica ? I know I probally need checking out but im scared ..Doctors and medical places freaks me out.

16-05-11, 01:14
I know you're probably worried it's something really serious but I'm pretty sure from your symptoms that it's sciatica. It's a fairly characteristic pain/electric shock-like sensation, usually at the back of the legs stretching down to your heel.

You could try an osteopath or chiropractor but they'll probably want to refer you to an MD first. Don't worry - it's treatable and isn't life-threatening, or a sign of something sinister.

Hope that helps.

16-05-11, 01:20
Thank you so much....im going to try to get tjr courage up to go to the Dr's but you are very kind and made me feel more positive.Thank you again:)

16-05-11, 02:18
Hi. For well over a year I have had an electrical, tingly, pins and needles type sensation down my back, more on the left side. I don't have it all the time, it tends to come and go and depends on what position I'm in etc, although I do get it when I'm walking about and doing things as well as when I'm sitting still. I don't seem to get it when I'm laying down. I think I mentioned it to my Dr but I was told it was another random symptom of my Fibromyalgia. It has never been investigated properly. What I will say though is nothing bad has happened other than me being able to feel the sensation in my back. It hasn't caused anything bad to happen and hasn't got worse (I don't think). I'm sorry this isn't much help but what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't necessarily mean that there is anything seriously wrong.

EDIT: I forgot to say that my burning tingling sensations are in the upper part of my back and not lower down so I don't think mine is Sciatica.

16-05-11, 02:22
hi there

it deffinately sounds like sciatica to me. i have had exactly the same sysmptoms as you apart from the penis pain lol it sounds like there maybe some irritation of the nerves between your S1 L5 L4 which are the bones in the bottom of your back. dont worry to much just go and see your GP and he may perscribe some physio therapy treatment which should losen the irritating nerves

hope this makes you feel better


16-05-11, 02:42
Thank you all for your kind post..its very much appreciated.

19-05-11, 19:53
It sounds like Sciatica to me. I have it periodically - there are videos on you tube that will show you how to stretch to relieve it.