View Full Version : Oysters and Anxiety Attacks

15-05-11, 23:36
I have noticed with my most recent anxiety attack that just before I was eating Oysters.

This is the third time I have had an anxiety attack around the same time as eating oysters. When I see them and start eating them it always reminds me of having attacks.

I wonder if this partly assists in triggering the attacks off. Shame because I love them so much.

Does anyone else experience anything similar?


15-05-11, 23:37
I would say this is association and you are remembering what happened in the past.

16-05-11, 00:18
I love soft drinks but they set off my migraines so I avoid them - but as Nic says it's probably psychological in your case rather than a real sensitivity. Therefore, therapy would be your best option.

16-05-11, 02:57
If you had a sensitivity to a food type you wouldn't have a panic attack you would have food intolerance symptoms! I think it's far more likely that you are associating Oysters with panic attacks and therefore having them! It's a vicious circle.

16-05-11, 10:22
Thanks for your comments, I think you are right it is an association. I am seeing a therapist for the first time in three years today, I will discuss it with them.

I also wonder about the fact I find it difficult to have a permanent sexual relationship with a woman and the fear of the anxiety and oysters is all linked. :)

16-05-11, 15:51
Thanks for your comments, I think you are right it is an association. I am seeing a therapist for the first time in three years today, I will discuss it with them.

I also wonder about the fact I find it difficult to have a permanent sexual relationship with a woman and the fear of the anxiety and oysters is all linked. :)

Well good luck - let us know how you get on.

Your second point sounds a bit Freudian to me but worth exploring I guess.

16-05-11, 18:50
Saw a therapist today, god damn what a load off!!!! Didn't discuss the oysters though!

paula lynne
16-05-11, 19:08
Its often good to offload. Hard with friends and family, but easier with strangers. Funny that. Glad you feel ok having got certain things off your chest.
Paula x

16-05-11, 19:49
Im glad the first session went well .The more you speak about your innermost thoughts and fears .The easier it will be to identify why you feel like you do about things ,A good therapist is worth his or her weight in gold .I wish you good luck with your next session .Keep us posted ,and do mention the Oysters .:winks:.Tc Sue x