View Full Version : struggling yet again

16-05-11, 04:45
Once again I am battling anxiety and feeling rather depressed. I wonder if I will ever be free of it and wish it would leave forever.
I need to totally make my life over and feel overwhlmed thinking about it. There are so many things I need to change in order to overcome this anxiety and depression. I have just ground to a halt over the years because of anxiety/depression/physical pain. I don't work outside the home, don't do much at home lately which is the norm for me when things get bad.
Anyone else facing similar challenges?

16-05-11, 05:40
Yes! My anxiety is really bad at the moment. I'm taking each day as it comes and am struggling with everyday chores around the home including cooking and cleaning etc. Anxiety and panic attacks do take their toll on you after a while. They are exhausting! I'm afraid I can't offer any advice as I'm in a bad way myself right now, but I wanted you to know you are most definitely not alone.

Take care, from shoegal xxx :flowers:

16-05-11, 07:01
It does help to know we aren't alone, doesn't it? I hate to think I want others to be miserable too but maybe somehow we can all help each other out. Thanks for commenting.

16-05-11, 08:09
:hugs: (((HUGS))) :hugs:

16-05-11, 08:27
Hello to both of you. I'm struggling at the moment too - when anxiety hits you think that you will never be free of it which makes you panic even more. Such a vicious circle to be stuck in. I bought a relaxation CD yesterday and am trying that - it does help as does exercise but sometimes even finding the motivation to lie still and listen to someone's voice is too much to cope with. We will get there eventually but the journey is a very trying one. Smiles and hugs.

17-05-11, 02:54
Thanks for the encouragement. Things are a bit better today. Hope you are all feeling better too.

17-05-11, 11:42
I've just got through a really bad patch myself with anxiety and depression. I do find the medication helped a lot this time, I am on Sertraline (anti-depressant) as well as Propranolol (beta-blocker) - are you taking anything Laneybc? If you aren't it might be worth considering.


17-05-11, 20:49
I have been on meds for 22 years., currently citalopram, buspirone and trazadone. Usually when I have a blip they adjust my meds but my current pdoc wants me to wait for the moment. He has been really good so I am willing to try but the hard part is I always looked to the meds to help in the past. Counting the days till they would kick in well, etc. I haven't generally had to count on just me to get myself back on an even keel.
I know there are a lot of things I need to work on such as decreasing my social isolation and getting out more, doing things, etc. I have mobility and pain issues and with the depression have really let myself become complacent. I struggle to do chores around home and can't focus well for tasks like cooking. I have also struggled a lot with the empty nest situation. We have four children and only one lives nearby-about 20 minutes away. Two lives 6 hours away and one is 12 hours away.
I love to hear what others are doing that works. My therapist referred me to a program called Bounce Back. Apparently our Canadian mental health purchased it from the Scottish folks and it seems like it could be quite worthwhile. I know that I need an extreme life makeover just now but that can't be done with lives quite like with houses. I am hoping they can guide me and support me through making some good and longlasting changes that will help me have a more enjoyable life.
Thanks for your comment, Tyke. Best wishes, Elaine