View Full Version : Uncontrolable tickling cough.

16-05-11, 07:44
Does anyone suffer a tickling cough in their throat all of a sudden without warning?

This blighter will strike me at anytime and no amount of coughing will ease it.

It's only after drinking something that it eventually goes away therefore making it necessary to carry a bottle of water everywhere I go in case the thing strikes.

It would appear that just by coughing, there is no way it stops, and it sometimes can even get to the point of gagging.

Only drinking will do the job.


16-05-11, 08:29
i get this usually in public. i start coughing and it doesnt ease the tickle end up heaving eyes watering, all red in the face running about like a headless chicken looking for something to drink! milkshake usually gets rid of mine:D

paula lynne
16-05-11, 10:19
Try covonia Horse, a tiny sip usually does it. x

16-05-11, 11:21
:) Hi Horse, just had an attack of tickly cough, eyes watering an all, have had this for some time now, and just don't know what causes it, maybe meds ??? it's not there all the time, but when it comes it's horrible, like you only a drink will help. take care xxx :hugs:

16-05-11, 13:20
I used to have it terribly and it would be same pattern I would get the unbelievable tickle always on one side of my throat, coughing like mad my eye on that side would stream and then i would sneeze, with me once Ihad sneezed I would stop coughing but not until then. I had a camera up my nose to look in my throat and also camera down throat to check food pipe etc and guess what nothing. AFter having it for about 3 years it has eased off now??????

16-05-11, 15:58
I used to get this when I was at school - but then I started smoking and it disappeared :shrug:

Now I have a smoker's cough which is far more manageable (I'm not advocating it as a remedy btw) :wacko:

16-05-11, 20:49
Many thanks for your replies.

I am relieved that there are some of you who experience this albeit a nuisance. I was beginning to think I was a weido!!

Many thanks to Paula Lynne and Anitaa for the recommendations.


17-05-11, 07:16
One of the symptoms of acid reflux that's often overlooked is a chronic cough. This is because at first glance there appears to be little or no relationship between the two. It can also be attributed to the fact that a cough is a relatively common occurrence and the result of numerous other causes, such as a cold, the flu, bronchitis, etc.
The truth, however, is that acid reflux is the third leading cause of a chronic cough, following on the heels of bronchial asthma and post-nasal drip (when the sinuses produce too much mucus).
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the medical term for what we know as acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach releases its liquid back into the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage to the esophageal lining. The regurgitated acid most often consists of a few compounds: acid, bile, and pepsin. Stomach acid is used in the digestion of food and can be a major irritant to the esophagus due to its tendency to damage tissues.
The symptoms of acid reflux include nausea, belching, a sore throat, wheezing, difficulty swallowing, a pain in the chest that's often mistaken for a heart attack, and in some cases chronic coughing. In fact, nearly three out of every four sufferers experience night time symptoms (such as coughing, snoring, and chest pain) that are not generally thought of as typical acid reflux symptoms. An acid reflux cough is one of these. It's caused when acid reaches the vocal cords and is passed to the lower airway

Hope this helps - i have GERD and the cough drives me nuts.

17-05-11, 08:16
i get this but in the middle of the night while asleep, it wakes me up and it's like something stuck in my throat but no amount of cough will make it go, it makes my eyes stream and will not go away until I either get up and drink/eat something, now i have a throat spray by my bed that seems to work better. it only happens for me in sleep and my dr said it is anxiety related.

17-05-11, 09:39
Many thanks Rooby and Judipat.

Thanks Judipat for your informative response. I never thought that this could be an Acid Reflux symptom. I do get the Post Nasal Drip as well, so it all ties in. Strange enough, sometimes when drinking tea, I get a very strange feeling after swallowing. It's as though I've swallowed a load of grit and my throat becomes very coarse until the effect of the tea has gone down. I even notice this with drinking water sometimes, so it is probably the effect of Acid Reflux.

Will have to take my Omeprazole more regular!

Thanks again.


17-05-11, 18:49
I don't know if what judipad has said is the same as what occurs to me.
I have to carry a bottle of water with me all the time.
I maybe walking around a shop,or sitting watchig tv or talking when it seems that my siliva goes down the wrong side of my throat and I start to choke and cough of couse it is so embarrising and annoying and the tears running down my face. I have had this problem for years.When I mentioned it to Gp he just smiled. Well I'm still here.still happening and still carrying my water:shrug:

20-05-11, 08:39
Now I can sleep at night!!

20-05-11, 12:32
Nor me .Where's my dictionary?