View Full Version : Stomach pains, advice needed from women.

16-05-11, 11:05
I have been having stomach pains which wake me up at night. Any pain makes me feel very anxious but I'm finding it difficult to handle this pain because I don't know why it is happening.

I am having problems with my periods. I was having painful irregular periods. I've been seeing a good doctor who has put me on birth control pills so I only have one period every three months. I was having break through bleeding and cramping but that stopped when I had some cysts removed from my uterus.

I have constipation. It's all very hard and small. It gets better when I practice relaxing.

I think the pain is uterus cramping because it feels the same as period pain. Does constipation feel much different? It's cramping too. I'm asking people who have had period cramps and constipation does it feel different? can you tell the two apart?

16-05-11, 12:06
Hi Luna

I have IBS and sometimes it's very difficult to separate this pain from period pain, as they're often in a similar location. Also, IBS is notorious for being worse when you have your periods, which doesn't help very much.

If you're suffering from constipation, it sounds as though you need a hand to sort it out, but from my own experience I'd suggest not using very strong laxatives as they can push you to the other extreme. Fybogel works for a lot of people - you can buy it over the counter at the chemist or get it on prescription. If you live in an area where there are large Asian supermarkets, you can often find isphagula husk or psyllium husk on the shelves - these are both natural laxatives (in fact, Fybogel is made of isphagula husk) and if you take a couple of teaspoons in water twice a day that can ease the problem.

If you're being woken regularly in the night though, I would go back and see your GP about it as if your sleep if being disturbed it will make you feel even more rotten.

Hope this helps.

Princess Sparkle
16-05-11, 16:46
Hi Luna,

I just wanted to second what blueangel said about IBS and period pains. I've been suffering for the past month or so for what my GP suspects is IBS and I have had a lot of stomach pain with it. Sometimes the stomach pain has resembled cramps and period pains, but it seems this is all part of the IBS.

With your other symptoms, it's quite possible you're suffering from IBS and I would suggest going to see your GP to talk over your symptoms. It's not right that your sleep is getting interrupted and your GP should be able to help you with this.

My GP prescribed Movicol for constipation, so maybe that's something you could ask your GP about?

Hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon!

PS x

16-05-11, 23:54
Thanks for the helpful answers :)

The worst thing to do when I have cramps is to fly into a panic about it. It just makes something uncomfortable feel really unbearable. I'd not had any uterus cramps since I had the cysts removed but I'm worried they've returned. These pains started when I became constipated so I'm fairly sure that's the problem, but has been so similar to the uterus cramps my mind has been flipping between thinking it's one or the other.

Now I know it can be difficult to tell them apart I can stop trying too. I've been stressing myself out thinking I *should* be able too.

I know the best thing for either pain is to grab a hot water bottle and try to relax, but it's difficult when I've got this kinda pressure going on in my head.

Thanks again, you've been a great help.