View Full Version : Advice Needed.. 2 hours waiting! in a hospital!

18-04-06, 11:55
Hi guys!

need some help..
ive got to take my mum to hospital at 2.30 today for an endoscopy (camera down the throat).
thing is the actual procedure is only 20 minutes, but because shes being sedated shes got to be in recovery for 2 hours!
ive got to wait and drive her home, but my PA's have been quite bad lately, and im scared im gonna loose it in the hospital and be a right mess.. and waiting in a hospital of all places, im not good in them at the best of times!
Its my mum who calms me down from panic attacks, and shes not gonna be able to if shes sedated.. just a bit worried i wont be able to cope!


18-04-06, 11:58
You will be fine love.

When I have a panic attack I try and take my mind off it.
I count or run through lyrics of a song or play my fav movie
through my head (dirty Dancing, Pretty woman etc)

I know I sound Nuts but it helps as it takes your mind off everything.

Also I know Hospitals are horrid, but if you do have a PA
and loose it which you wont and prob never will do then they are medically trained people to help and they have prob come across stuff like this before.

Now deep breaths and good luck....will be thinking of you

Hay x

18-04-06, 12:47
You will be fine. Like hayles i go thru my fav movies or songs dirty dancing especially and tell myself in 10 mins il be fine, get a magazine or something that takes your mind off your P.A at home which will also take it off your mind in the hospital, ven wait outside the hospital for her, its a nice day where i am, get a cup of tea a mag and just chill, think about ur mum and the support u can give her instead of her giving you for today, then later you can write in the success column I DID IT and all of us wil be proud,

ul be fine mate xx

18-04-06, 17:44
Talk to your Mum when in the hospital, if you talk then it will put your mind of the Panic Attack. Also if you did have one there are medically trained staff around you to help you.

I know being in a hospital is stressfull, I totally sympathise, I had to go in once (this year) to have my breast examined because I found a lump, I wasn't told how long I will wait but I waited over an hour to be seen, ver stressful, so I totally sympathise you.

Good luck to the both of you.

Scooties Back

18-04-06, 23:07
hey guys!

thanks for all your support! i was a little anxious in the car, but once we got there and got into the waiting room i was ok!
i took a book, and there were lots of other people wating for their family members so i had a few people to talk to!
they completely took my mind of it, and before i knew it, the 2 hours was up and mum was back, and then it was rush hour.. so we got stuck in traffic! but i was fine and all went well.. and even bettter, mum had the all clear and the test revealed nothing so thats great news!

thanks everyone. i can do it.. i just have little faith in myself alot of the time. more events like this prove im stronger than i realise.

N xxx