View Full Version : Results of MRI - not always what you think!!!

16-05-11, 15:48
In the last three months I have been paranoid about ovarian cancer (or any cancer in the pelvic area). I had all the classic signs. After lots of tests including the dreaded MRI (had diazepam for that) I have actually got my results today.

I do not have cancer - infact my results show how healthy I am :shades:

I do have a problem with my lower spine and discs which is linked to a nerve which runs around into the groin area which is highly likely to be causing my pain in my ovary area. This may or may not go on it's own but wait it out ... yes I am so happy about having a trapped nerve, I am hugely relieved that it wasn't all in my head.

Just goes to show that something so painful isn't life-threatening. Anyway I posted to help anyone else who has silmilar pain - and I know there are a few ladies out there - thanks for all your help :D

16-05-11, 15:56
Great news x

Hazel B
16-05-11, 15:58
Good news, thanks for letting us know! Hope that nerve sorts itself out soon.

It goes to show we know when we're in pain but we worry about all the wrong things!:)

macc noodle
16-05-11, 15:59
Ambers ........................FANTASTIC NEWS :D

Thanks for the update post - just awaiting my appt for the dreaded scan .........


Princess Sparkle
16-05-11, 16:23
Hi Ambers!

That's great news! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm so glad your results are all okay and that nothing serious is wrong. You sound so much happier and relaxed now too, so that's great. :D

As you said, it just goes to show that there's often a reasonable explanation for the problems we are having!

PS x

16-05-11, 20:31
Oh Ambers - just spotted your post. I am so, so pleased for you :D Thank you for all of your support over the past few weeks. Great that you have a reason for the pain and hopefully it will resolve itself soon xxxx

16-05-11, 20:32
Hi Jan, Keep us posted on your scan. Hopefully you won't have too long to wait. I think the waiting is the worst bit xx

16-05-11, 21:15
Flumpkin - have PMed you but thanks for your support too :hugs:

Macc - the US Scan was by far the easy test that I went for - you will be fine and say to yourself when you are feeling weak 'fear it but I'm gonna do it anyway' be strong and let us know.

thanks all - I am gonna get back on the road to beating my panic attacks now...back on the train tomorrow :yesyes:

16-05-11, 21:30
Great news hun xxx