View Full Version : Having a shaky day

16-05-11, 18:03
Today isn't a good day. Feeling so shaky and very out of breath..cant seem to catch a deep breath like someones been punching my tummy.
How do we cope with these days? I can't seem to concentrate!

16-05-11, 19:20
You can and will get through it. I am having a tough spell here now too and just trying to take it one day or even one hour at a time. I have been doing the deep breathing and trying to relax. Also tried my relaxation cd the past two days. Trying really hard to watch my negative self-talk and not react to the feelings I am having with negative self-talk such as "here we go again, I will never be better, blah, blah.
Can you get out for a walk, call a friend, see a therapist? I wish we could all be done with this anxiety for good. Best wishes, Elaine

16-05-11, 20:47
You poor thing :hugs: horrible days like that. Mine seem to be less frequent since I started taking a magnesium supplement. It may or may not work for you but it really did stop the trembling, tight chest and hammering heart for me.

But for the moment, don't be hard on yourself and take it easy today. Block out negativity and try to relax yourself as much as possible, even a tiny bit of relaxation helps because we all know you can never relax like other people do on days like that.

Thinking of you xx