View Full Version : Feel like crap again!

Silly Blonde
18-04-06, 12:29
I thought I was doing sooooo well - managed to cut down visits to psychologist to once a fortnight rather than once a week, and I really felt as though acupuncture was helping.

Have been feeling terrible over the weekend. Lower back ache, stomach ache, headaches, constipation, feeling sick and generally feeling very tired and quite yucky! I'm also seeing funny dots (floaters) running all over my eyes (which I am convinced are cancer cells) Yet, I don't consider myself to be stressed at the moment! I've just had a nice four days off work, so why am I feeling so bad???

I really struggle to accept that all the above is caused by anxiety, especially when I have no idea why this all started. I have a good job, wonderful partner, nice house etc etc. I did lose my mum quite suddenly about 4 years ago. She was my source of reassurance and support, so maybe now that this has been taken away from me, coupled with the fact that her death was very sudden, has led me into this vicious circle of worrying constantly that I too am dying.

Sorry for rambling on - I just get so fed up! When I am symptom free I feel great, almost "high" but then I fall back down with a bump whenever the symptoms come back:(

SB xx

18-04-06, 12:33
i am exactly like u and i think before the anxiety leaves us we have to leave it and except we arnt ill and its all in our minds. hard i know, u dont have to be stressed to still feel symptoms, chill and realise that if uve had 4 good days another 4 will come xx