View Full Version : hi im new

16-05-11, 18:40
my name is john,just found this site thought i would give it a go.
I resently had kidney stones...so painful...they gave me pain killers
codein..to control the pain and sent me away to pass stone,
While this was going on i found i started to feel very axious,
which lead to panic attacts,
I have never been so scared in my life...
A panic attact as well as extream pain from kidney stone,
I had to call an amberlance, and was addmitted to a and e department,
were they treated the pain, and said about the panic attack just relax and breath deeply !!!! easier said than done..they just wasent interested..
i have now passed the stone, but still get a tight chest, i feel like i want
to burp but cannot...is this still anxiety do you think...??
i forgot to menstion on my second visit to out of hours surgery
they prescibed me 2mg diazepam..which helps me greatly but is this a good idea...
best wishes
john :(

16-05-11, 18:43
Hi johnyhill

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
17-05-11, 11:07
:welcome:to NMP John. Just wanted to reassure you that what you are feeling is perfectly expected after kidney stones....a pain one female friend of mine who had them, described as even worse than childbirth pain. My husband had stones last year which naturally triggered his fight or flight response, and even now if he gets a twinge in his lower stomach he breaks out in a sweat thinking of the pain he had before. Your nerves have become sensitised as a result of this trauma and this will take a few months to settle properly. What is important is that you accept these symptoms and do not add fear and 'what if's' to the mix...'what if I will never feel my old self again'...this anxious contemplation keeps the nerves sensitised and the symptoms going. It is hard to believe that sensitised nerves can bring such powerful symptoms, but once you accept that they can, then things will settle. This will get better.:bighug1:Vx

17-05-11, 11:33
Hi Johnny

Heard Diazepams addictive but higher doses. Anxiety is a pain lol