View Full Version : Food intolerance?

16-05-11, 19:47
I am having a right time at the moment with my stomach/bowels. I am seeing my GP in a week but thought i would ask on here, to see if anyone else suffers.

I had Helicobacter last year, had treatment and was fine. I am a windy person, always have been since i was a kid. I am now in my thirties. I suffer most of the time with trapped wind in my left ribs, from belly button area down it is always bubbling like a pan on boil so my husband says, lol! I get wind low in my rectum and it feels like if I trump it out I will feel better:winks: It never goes though, it fills back up, lol! I do get some gastric symptoms where I may feel a bit sick and I may get rumbling in my stomach, but mainly it is all low down bubbling, passing wind and then that sharp trapped feeling in my left ribs/under left breast and then it can bubble away in my rectum:blush:

I am like this most days lately, especially in the mornings and late at night. I have also noticed when I eat pasta or bread I feels very windy again within half an hour. I am begining to wonder if i do have some kind of problem with wheat.

I have seen my GP many times this year about this, I have always suffered so he knows my past. He says it is IBS and he doesn't think I had Helicobacter again as I have no burning or acid coming up into my throat or anything.

I did a York laboratories test about 3 years ago which showed i had an intolerance to wheat but my GP said they were rubbish. I also had an electric allergy test at a clinic which showed I was allergic to dairy, but again GP said that was utter rubbish, but it did say I was allergic to Pork, which I know I am.

Does anyone else suffer like this? I am a tad worried as to why I always have the trapped wind feeling in my left rib, that is always there but occasionally stabs:blush: I then just always have this bubbly abdomen. It may settle sometimes but then later on it flares up again. I thought I felt better today but tonight it's back since I ate the pasta at lunchtime:blush:

Just hoping it isn't something more serious or Helicobacter again.