View Full Version : What happens wen uv severe anxiety, homeless & vulnerable with a child? Advice plz

16-05-11, 20:48
Im homeless, awaiting a diagnosis so more vulnerable, plus you've a dependent child where you've no family to rely on, no job and no money. Are there support centres?

16-05-11, 21:11
Go to citizens advice (CAB) asap. They can give you a list of landlords/shelters/council properties etc and will help you claim any state benefits you may be entitled to. The council may be able to place you into emergency housing such as a B&B because you have a child. They will also make sure you are signed up to a GP or will be able to tell you how to get any medical assistance. Have you had any previous support from Social Services or anybody like that? If your name is on their list they have a duty of care to support you so give them a ring if you're known to them. Good luck and I'm sorry to hear of your situation.

16-05-11, 21:19
Thanks Shoegal, I've been homeless before and the hostel I ended up and other things had contributed to my sons speech problems and they think hes autistic so hes not good with change. Im thinking of him and I dont want him getting any worst.

16-05-11, 21:53
Hi spidergirl

Where are you staying at the moment?

You could also walk into any social work department and ask to speak to the 'Children and families' duty worker.

The social workers could also help with your childs development.

There are definate options open to you. No parent and child should be homeless in this day and age.

The very best of luck to you both.


16-05-11, 22:03
Lol a tad confused as it says on your profile that you live with your partner and that you are a secretary.

16-05-11, 22:22
Hi Lisa, well the secretary was voluntary but iv stopped that and since my x has left. living in xs house but he wants me out asap. Social services arent bothered about housing issues, spoke to one today.

16-05-11, 22:31
It's a social workers job to protect the welfare of any child who may be put in a situation ie: homlessness. If you don't get any luck there then find out who your local counsillor is and make an emergency appointment as they can create great waves with the council. Also try to have your gp to do you a letter regaring your concerns over your childs development and how this kind of disturbance could upset him effect his health.
Law and society is on your side as you have a young child.

16-05-11, 23:27
hi there

i would get straight down to housing with a letter from ur x if possible to explain situation. i have worked in this area for many years as a support housing officer and u may have that service in ur area. most areas do. if u do, use the service. u may be surprised at what support u get.

they will also refer u to other agencies needed

julie :)

18-05-11, 23:04
Just a follow up, social services arent bothered, Iv been homeless b4 so i know the procedure and im in a good position. I was just panicking and thinking worst because of shock, Im ok for help..