View Full Version : mirtazipine

16-05-11, 22:34
Have to come off Dosulepin in next 10 days and then go onto Mirtazipine. have been readind a lot of the threads posted on here and it's been invaluable. I am a bit worried about draining the Dosulepin as when I came off Citalipram I had awful head shocks.
Oh well, I will just have to get through it some how.
Have tried so many antidepressants over the last 10 years and am now probably depressed because at the moment I really can't see an end to the constant merry go round of trying to find a drug that will work.
So wish me luck with this one and I hope this works.

16-05-11, 22:36
Hi tee123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-05-11, 22:41
Thanks for that it may take me a while to figure out what I'm doing, but I will get there. Found this site purely by chance whilst researching mirtazipine. It's a huge relief to know I'm not alone.

16-05-11, 23:29
I'm the last person that should be giving advice but I'll try anyway :)
When the depression was the main issue swapping meds was alway difficult and its hard to cope with coming off one while taking another but in the end you will find the right one
Try and give it time, its usually a few weeks and try and keep busy, eat even if you feel ill, and try to sleep.. even not drinking coffee helps
I was a total pain for my doctor and ended up on Lithuim, it did work, I sill suffer from depression but about the same as anyone would, but now I'm Agoraphobic but it was something I was destined to be lol

17-05-11, 16:24
Hi Arfur9, thanks for that. I'm already a right pain for the doc. Sometimes I think I should just camp in the waiting room. Prob is I am sick to the teeth or drugs being changed, nothing seems to work for very long. And I can't live on Diazapam. Am very worried about tailing off the dosulepin as I usually get very edgy and suffer head shocks. Due to start Mirt next friday night.Tell you one thing though, after reading lots of posts on here it is such a huge relief to know I'm not alone and there are lots of us who have tried so many different things. Thanks for replying, you keep well. Tx:)