View Full Version : Acceptance

17-05-11, 03:16
Hello everyone,

I've been having some Anxiety related issues due to some Emotional baggage stemming from relationship breakdown and the issues revolving that with a young child etc.

Most of the time I'm doing really well but every now and then I go a bit wobbly and end up back at the doctor with physical symptom concerns which always check out to be nothing.

Does anyone else have a issue with Accepting their Anxiety and then suffer the consequences of it (anxiety) coming back again.

Im going to go back to Dr to discuss maybe a different medication, I've been on Celepram on and off for 10 years on various doses, it's been a super help!

I think what I have to do is accept my past is my past and look forward to the future etc.

Any advice would be great.


17-05-11, 09:04
Hi there

I had some CBT a few months ago, which I found very helpful, and one of the things that I did talk to the counsellor about was acceptance. This does seem to be quite an important part of the process for a lot of people, as if you don't accept it, it becomes more difficult to move on from it.

Also, another thing I found important was the concept of "managing" anxiety - we can never be in a position where we have no anxiety at all, as it's a natural reaction to threats. If we weren't capable of having anxiety reactions, we would soon end up dead as we would have no fear of danger. I'd spent a long time thinking about how to get "cured" of it, which made me very frustrated. When I got my head round the idea of "managing" it instead, this seemed to help me quite a lot.

I also did some stuff on mindfulness with my counsellor, which I found very useful for me because one of my problems is stopping my mind teeming with stuff. with mindfulness, it seems to help you come to the conclusion that it's "only thoughts" and you don't seem to hang on to them so much.

Hope this helps!