View Full Version : bad night

17-05-11, 05:52
had a bad night, and got a 11hour shift ahead of me...
got this bad feeling in my chest,and finding it hard to swollow,
not been able to eat proply for days now..
feels like i want to burp but can not,
is this usual for anxiety ???
best regards

17-05-11, 06:00
Hi johnyhill

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-05-11, 06:05
thanks, heres hoping fo a better life ahead...
kind regards

17-05-11, 07:37
Hi that is very very common.
I suspect once you get to work you will feel loads better concentrate on what you are doing not how you feel. Its easier said than done god i know too well!!

17-05-11, 07:43
Hi. I'm sorry to hear you had a bad night. Your symptoms do sound like anxiety so try not to worry because worrying makes anxiety worse! If you feel like you can't eat, just try having small snacks throughout the day. Cereal, toast and soup are simple things that you can have as and when you feel like it. The sensations in your chest and the feeling that you can't swallow is classic anxiety, and you might feel as if you need to burp because you have been air swallowing (people do this sometimes when they feel like they can't swallow properly and have a dry mouth). I hope you feel better soon and please try not to worry about your symptoms. :flowers: