View Full Version : Brain Zaps

17-05-11, 06:39
Hey everyone , I've been on Cipralex 10mcg for about 5 months , I was just wondering if anyone experiences the odd brain Zaps or quick brain buzzes from time to time throughout the day?

Thank You

17-05-11, 19:51
Hi Estranged,

I haven't had this experience. Maybe talk to your doc about them...

I think it is a common complaint....

Take care

17-05-11, 20:15
Hi I haven't experienced them either x

18-05-11, 01:00
Was only on escit for five months and was pleasantly surprised by no "Head Shocks" I call them. They were hellish on paroxetine but they treated my anxiety much better.

It is a very common side effect in ssri's unfortunately.

They will hopefully subside and they're usually not constant, also you actually get kinda used to them after a while.

Good Luck. x