View Full Version : morning anxiety

17-05-11, 06:41
I have noted that many have mentioned that their anxiety is worse in the morning than later in the day and I find that to be true for me too. Does anyone know why this is true for so many of us?:)

17-05-11, 06:48
Hi I know exactly what it's like, the reason why we call it morning anxiety is because when we wake up it's the first thing we think about, we might even wake with symptoms and if we dont we search for them and so our days normally start in fear.....

When you push through it most times the days turns out to be not too bad after all, but then when we go to bed we fear the morning as it's when we are anxious! And so the cycle continues...... Hang in there things will get easier!

17-05-11, 09:16
Hi! I also know exactly how you feel, thought i'd gotten control of my anxiety recently but the last few mornings i have woken and as getting ready for work the anxiety starts to kick in and build :-( i even burst into tears yesterday in the middle of my office all because I was feeling anxious.

I start my first counselling session next week, i'm really hoping the counsellor can suggest something. I'm trying to avoid medication if I can......

17-05-11, 11:02
I have had anxiety since last August, with some mild depression. I am on 25mg Citalopram and have counselling. Mornings have always been the worst time for me. I wake up with a knot in my stomach and sometimes I have to go to the loo, but usually, when I get up and get busy, it starts to go. It is best not to just lie there if you are feeling low in the morning, get up and do something.

17-05-11, 17:47
Yea...wake up with sick feeling in my stomach and can't face getting up on bad days...however, once I force myself to get up and move about it goes most times. Don't know why it is so, but I do know that depression is worse in the mornings...I feel bad even before I can consciously think about my worries...almost like my mind is there without me recognising that it is (if that doesn't sound weird!)

11-06-11, 13:57
Yes, i get morning anxiety

11-06-11, 14:23
My anxiety is also worst in a morning and I dread sometimes opening my eyes
knowing what is going to happen.
So I get up have some breakfast if I can some morning I am to anxious to have any breakfast
I then get ready and go and get in my car and go out for a bit until I have calmed down.


11-06-11, 15:27
I thought it was just me! I wake with a knot in my stomach and a lump in my throat but it generally gets better as the day goes on. Have no idea why this happens though:shrug:

12-06-11, 18:11
I find my anxiety builds all morning I have a 12 O'Clock lunch go home eat and sit for 15 or 20 mins before going back to work and afternoons are generally not so bad also the weird think is my morning work is 9.30-12 (2 and a half hours) but afternoon i work 1-5 (4 hours) so why afternoons are calmer I do not know just one of the weird things that anxiety is.

14-06-11, 00:34
i get morning anxiety too - I think its because we are tired and most people wake up in a groggy mood anyway so we just feel worse than people who dont suffer from anxiety /depression !

14-06-11, 01:30
We do need adrenaline to wake us up. Maybe with anxiety there is just too much adrenaline surging in those of us with more morning anxiety.
Just a thought.

14-06-11, 10:54
My morning are bad too,as soon as I get up I feel light headed and nauseous,I have to remind myself that these are just sensations and they are not real(Difficult I know)Anxiety is a habit which on a good day I try and break.

14-06-11, 12:21
It's pants really it is - I used to like a lie in. House tidy, jobs done, a good night out the day before - then the next day a little lie in - perhpas some TV or just a little snooze - its one thing that I find really depressing - really really depressing - it has got better not throwing up now. Summer thank goodness it much easier in that you can force yourself up and make an effort to get some sunshine

15-06-11, 00:07
I get it too. Horrible, horrible way to wake up every morning.

I wonder if it's partly psychological, knowing that we've got the whole day to get through??

There have been a few threads about this on here so it's obviously quite common in anxiety sufferers.


15-06-11, 01:52
I wonder if it's partly psychological, knowing that we've got the whole day to get through??

Think you've hit the nail on the head there Haz. I'm always worse on a morning and it varies throughout the day, depending on what I am doing and what I have to do, but I am at my best on a night, when I don't have to do anything that I know will make me anxious. When I wake up everything starts again and I think about all the things I have got to do that day......:ohmy:


24-06-11, 01:40
Hi everyone,
Yep, anxiety in the morning suks! espicially when you have to go to work and you feel drained before the day has begun....i feel much different in the evenings i feel better and calmer....

24-06-11, 16:27
Same here, as soon as I get out of bed my heart starts pounding and I get really negative thoughts. Then I calm down a bit but it comes back mid morning and then reduces after lunch. No idea why.