View Full Version : Been lurking for a while but I thought I would share....

17-05-11, 09:11
Hello all!

Been hanging around on the outskirts for a while, reading the forums with interest and like most of us, I nod along thinking "That's me too". I have suffered from Anxiety for a good long while (at least 10 years) and like everyone else, I get the same fears all the time. Logically, you know it is probably just anxiety. It's the "probably" bit that gets you though isn't it.

Been suffering lately from shortness of breath constantly which of course sends my brain into overdrive... "What is it?" and so on. It's difficult for the Doctor to take it seriously when it seems to improve when I exercise which is of course, counter to what should happen with a breathing problem.

Of course this isn't helped by a bout of Bronchitis, coughing up brown gunge every day doesn't do a great deal for my peace of mind. Doctor has sent some of the brown slime to be tested anyway but I am pretty sure it will just be the Bronchitis hanging on.

So to avoid the onset of lunacy, thought I would post this here.

You see, I handle this sort of thing better than I ever have before. The constant pains and twinges brought on by GAD I can pass over. The IBS is something I almost have under control (I eat no fatty foods at all these days and it helps a lot), I have cut out most of my drinking, once a week now (have to have some fun:)) and everything else I approach with as positive an attitude as I can.

This breathing thing has got to me, it's constant. But, I will do what I have done in the past, I will have every test devised by modern medicine to see if there is anything wrong (I pay my tax, I'm entitled to it:)) and if they diagnose nothing, just try and move on as difficult as that can be.

Anyway, just thought I would share and pop back in to say hello.


17-05-11, 10:04

You appear to be doing all the right things, but of course as a Anxiety sufferer, we will always have the 'What if' syndrome hanging around.

I find that if I start thinking about being short of breath, then all of a sudden I will have breathing problems. It's the old story isn't it?

I think that your Bronchial problems don't help of course and as soon as these can be treated then you may find that things could improve.

Take care.


17-05-11, 10:08
Cheers Horse. That's exactly it isn't it? Soon as I start thinking about it, it happens. When I eventually get to sleep at night I am OK so I know, logically, that it is an anxiety thing. Doesn't always help that though:).

If I keep busy and occupied then it's way better but as soon as I relax... oh boy.

I suspect it's my mind getting me back for assaulting it with loads of alcohol in my youth. Could be wrong though;)

17-05-11, 10:31
Well you could be right Paul about the booze thing.

A lot of us have been there in our early days. I know I certanly have, been there, got the T-shirt etc. Lost quite a few friends due to drink and drugs and the ones who are still around are not in that good shape, still going on about starting rock bands even though they're now in their mid fifties!

When I look back (and I do everyday), I think I'm lucky in a way. I could quite easily be pushing up the daisies or disabled in a way as not being able to get out of bed in the morning.

The mind is our most important piece of artillery in this game, but of course it can also be our enemy. Keeping mentally active is vital for us. I do find like you, that once I'm relaxed or bored, then the gremlins will start taking over and we start the downward spiral of panic if we're not careful.

Well done mate.
