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17-05-11, 12:06
Hi guys, im new to this, im 18 and ive just been told to take 20mg citalopram. ive never taken any medication for my depression and i kinda scared, how will it affect me?


17-05-11, 12:07
Hi RhyannonDorothy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-05-11, 12:38
Hi, the doctors have tried putting me on it twice for anxiety but I did not like it. It takes a few weeks to kick in and I felt numb, never happy and never sad just in the middle. It affects everyone differently tho. Hope this helps

17-05-11, 13:40
Hi RhyannonDorothy

I am currently on Sertraline which is a similar kind of drug (SSRI). Like Spidergirl states, they take a while to kick in (mine took five weeks) and the side effects can be unpleasant in the beginning, but in my case I started feeling much better after that. No way of knowing exactly how it will affect you - everyone is different - you just have to see how you get along with it. I never wanted to start taking tablets, but I am now so much improved it won't be too long before I can think about coming off them.


Vanilla Sky
17-05-11, 21:09
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

17-05-11, 21:43
Hey welcome, i have just started taking the same tablets as you (I took my first one this morning), i felt sick for about 3-4 hours but i now feel ok, my doctor did warn me i would possibley feel worse for a few weeks but im not sure what will happen. i willkeep you postd of how i feel with mine if u would like me to, im nervous about how they will helop me to

18-05-11, 10:35
Hi guys, thankyou for all the replies.
I took my first 20mg Tablet this morning and i can honestly say i feel horrible.
I have the shakes and keep going really dizzy, and the dry mouth is terrible. I feel like there is something stuck in my throat aswell "/



18-05-11, 11:07
I started taking 20mg citalopram 12 days ago. I'd taken them before 14 years ago and couldn't remember any side effects but I've certainly been having them this time. The first few days I had a really bad headache and since then it's been panic attack symptoms - dizzyness, feeling like my heads going to explode, pins and needles, feeling like my whole body's been anesthetized, neuralgia, lump in my throat and difficulty breathing.
Emotionally though I feel a lot better. I don't expect it's the tablets working yet, just the fact that I've asked for and accepted help.
I hope you start feeling better soon. You can always private message me if you find the side effects difficult to cope with :flowers:

19-05-11, 12:00
Its my second day taking the tablet, the sickness isnt as bad but the dizziness is worse "/ i keep getting really worried that people are judging me or talking about me which makes my breathing really fast and then i go light headed, im not sure if its a side effect or not though. i really do hope that this medication works and is worth all the side effects.

thankyou again guys


19-05-11, 18:18
gosh that was great reading all your messages, i am having a bad day, had a good day yesterday, seems one good one bad day. I was worried about how i was feeling til i read these messages, as i thought the meds arent working, I am on ampitryptyline, at first one 10mg at night, but am having to take one in the morning now, and one in the day after that, didnt realise it takes so long to make you feel better, i understand now that I will feel better in time, I had panic attacks this morning, they just wouldnt go away so took another tablet, and i am calm but shaky still. Isnt this a great place to learn stuff !!

20-05-11, 08:50
This forum has really helped me too, i though i was having a horrible reaction at first but then i found this and it made me relise that it was all normall to feel like this at first.
I have really bad sickness this morning and still dizzy, and i find it so hard to consentrate at work at the moment, my mind just keeps wandering off.

I hope your side effects stop soon and the medication starts to work


20-05-11, 09:56
Hi guys, im new to this fourm pls guide me ..