View Full Version : scared ex smoker with chest pains need xray results and reassurance!!

suddenly scaredy
17-05-11, 12:48
Hi all

I've already posted this but I really could do with some words of comfort or similar stories for reassurance. I’m a 41 year old male former smoker (quit for over a month having smoked intermittently for the last 16 years). I was (so I thought) in pretty decent shape, running regularly and going to the gym but a few week back after a run I developed a sudden throbbing pain in the right side of my chest. Of course I did the worst possible thing and ran my symptoms through Google and inevitably I focused on the possibility of lung cancer. Now I’ve never been too anxious about my health but this worry has turned into a full blown obsession so much so that after only a couple of days I couldn’t sleep, was shaking like a leaf and sucked on my gums so hard that they started to bleed (and imagined I was coughing up blood!). And all this the night before starting a new job! Anyway, I went to see the local (locum) GP who checked my breathing/blood pressure and assured me that this was likely a minor strain and much reassured I felt absolutely fine the following week but on returning to work (and certainly I do think this new job is contributing to my stress levels) I felt anxious again and the throbbing in the chest started again. I was so wound up I phoned the NHS out of hours service, was referred again to a GP who once more listened to my symptoms, checked blood pressure/breathing and temperature and again reassured me that this was likely a combination of anxiety, indigestion and muscular strain. But I’m still worried. I should say that I am still staying active - I ran a 10k race the other week – and the chest pain while still coming and going isn’t too bad though I’m occasionally feeling what I think is slight burning/stinging in the centre/left side as well. But I can’t get these negative thoughts out of my mind and my imagination is running riot! The thing is I really don’t have any other symptoms. I’m not coughing unless I make myself and when I do nothing’s really coming up (there’s certainly no blood) but I am so stressed that I feel as if I’m going to be sick, I can’t concentrate and I am totally dwelling on the slightest twitch in my body (I’m now convinced that a slight twinge on my right side is serious – again this was as symptom I read up on and I’m wondering how much my mind is playing tricks on me). Anyway, I finally got an appointment with my regular GP the other week (yes 3 docs in 3 weeks!) and he ran all the tests as before and reassured me that this was likely costochondritis. He also asked about how I was coping with my new job and if anyone I knew had received rather grim news about the big C (which they have and I know this is playing on my mind). Anyway, my GP did not feel that I needed an X-ray but referred me anyway to put my mind at rest. He assured me that if he were a betting man he’d put money on the x-ray coming up clear. I trust my GP and I know three doctors have all said the same thing (and not one of them even considered lung cancer) but I’m still a nervous wreck waiting on the results. I’ve pestered the surgery and am driving my girlfriend mad with my constant worry and need to unload! Has anyone lese experienced similar? Am I a classic case of someone with serious health anxiety? Sorry for the long post and look forward to reading replies.

17-05-11, 17:40
This does not sound at all like lung cancer. My father had it and pain is not normally an early symptom. I hope that you will get your clear x-ray results back soon to put your mind at rest. Please listen to you DR who will be well versed in lung disease symptoms. Also I doubt if you would be so active if there was such a serious condition in you lungs. I know health anxiety can get a real grip on you but try to counter all your negative thoughts with reasons why it is NOT cancer. Good luck with the results....they will be fine!

suddenly scaredy
17-05-11, 19:48
Thanks for the reply Mhairi and I'm sorry to hear of your father. I hope my obsession doesn't sound too self-absorbed or insensitive to the real troubles of others. I think (hope) much of this is in my mind and I will take steps to deal with that but my chest is still a little sore and I have been getting aches in my sides. I read that pain under the ribs can be a symptom of the disease in an advanced stage but how much I'm subconsciously "creating" these symptoms I don't know. Of course you are right. The rational way of thinking is that I can't have gone from no symptoms to advanced in the space of a few weeks. I will try to be positive ahead of my x-ray results.
Thanks again

17-05-11, 20:06
I'm sorry that you seem to be going through so much stress and worry at the moment.

I have just had a very similar experience to this. I too am and ex smoker. I'm only 28 but I have been smoking from a young age (ashamed to admit) so this too concerned me. I've now been off them for 5 month. My nan died of lung cancer when I was younger and funnily enough the thoughts of catching this terrible illness wasn't a concern when I was smoking but reared its ugly head once I quit. Its like you want to start a fresh with a clean bill of health or something. Anyways, I was experiencing chest pains along with lots of other anxiety related illnesses. I also had a bad case of bronchitis 3 times last year and was warned if I didn't quit it could turn into chronic bronchitis.

I was in pestering my doc constantly about the chest pains. She did all the same things as your doc and also reassured me it wouldn't be nothing serious. Eventually she referred me for chest x-ray to also put my mind at rest. I had to wait a month for the results with was torture but my doc kept reassuring me that she didn't think the results would be bad. Infact she did say that they would usually get intouch straight away if they had concerns. Anyways my x-ray came back all clear and I felt a little stupid for being such a nuisance to my doc, but she is lovely and very understanding. I still get the chest pains but have now accepted that it is anxiety and they do pass when I'm not concentrating on them.

You will be fine, if the doc isn't worried thentry to listen to them, i know its easier said then done when something is stressing you.

Good luck x

suddenly scaredy
17-05-11, 20:47
Thanks so much for the reply. It's awful waiting for the x-ray results isn't it? And my doc sent me just to reassure me! I'm so stressed though and I'm aching all over. The aches undethe ribs are a bit of a concern but they come and go so I'm hoping that's just anxiety/tension or something trivial! Going to try to relax now! X

18-05-11, 16:42
Never think that you are being self absorbed when you post on here! We all understand how these thoughts can take over and are difficult to counter, and people here are brilliant with help and support. Your aches and pains will not be helped by stress and have you noticed how stiff and unrelaxed you hold your body when under that stress...all goes to add to the physical symptoms caused anxiety!
Please let us know when you get your results.

18-05-11, 17:33
My step-dad's mum has terminal lung cancer and she never (and still doesn't) had chest pain. I won't tell you what she had but it's nothing like your symptoms x