View Full Version : Anxiety & Feeling Sick

17-05-11, 14:20
Hi all,

I have just recently joined the forum but have been lurking in the background for a while..... Everyone is very friendly and helpfull! :)

Just a quick question, does anyone else feel sick with their anxiety? I find the sick feeling I get tends to make me more anxious, can anyone suggest anything to take away the sick feeling?


17-05-11, 14:28
Hello and welcome to NMP.

I feel sick and nauseous most of the time with my anxiety and I often retch (and sometimes I'm actually sick, but not often). I find eating a little and often helps. Even if I don't feel hungry I try to have a piece of toast, or soup or cereal or something like that as I feel better if my stomach isn't empty. I also find sucking a sugary sweet helps, but I don't know why!

17-05-11, 14:36
Thankyou shoegal!

I'll try to eat little an often. I find when the anxiety kicks in my appetite goes out the window :weep:

17-05-11, 14:41
I know it's really hard to eat when you feel anxious and sick but it's important to keep your blood sugars up because not eating can make you feel weak and lighheaded which makes the anxiety worse! Even if all you can manage is a piece of fruit, it is better than nothing. Pregnant women are told to eat ginger biscuits because they are good for nausea. Maybe you could try eating a few of those?

17-05-11, 14:44
Thanks for the suggestion, i'll give it a go! :)

17-05-11, 16:01
I also feel sick A LOT it's so awful
I find a few things help: a) drink ginger tea (I make my own by putting a little pinch of ground ginger in a cup fill with boiled water and add a teaspoon of sugar to taste or do the same with about 1cm cubed of fresh ginger)
2) Put a few drops of peppermint oil on a hankerchief and sniff it
3) If I haven't eaten in a while I'll have something to eat and that helps
4)Have a couple of sips of fizzy pop to make myself burp
Hope you find something that works for you!

17-05-11, 16:09
Thank you Vicky, i will definately be trying those suggestions! :)

When the sickness passes I always find my anxiety levels go down, its another one of those darn circles.... lol

17-05-11, 16:50
im very sick with mine especially when i wake up terrified on a morning im sick loads- 7 times this morning!! (no im not pregnant!) little and often helps but when you feel like you are choking on what you are eating i guess thats hard

17-05-11, 19:39
I'm constantly feeling sick with my anxiety and guess what?! I'm afraid of being sick. I have emetophobia. The doctor has prescribed me Cinnarizine 15mg and it really really helps! Because I am only 16 I can't take medication what adults can take. I feel for you on this. :( Over the next month I have 16 exams and I don't think I can make it through. This sickness has almost made me agoraphobic. :(
Raffy xx

17-05-11, 20:14
Hi nhf, I am also new here and like you have been lurking in the background for a couple of days. I just want to let you know you're not alone with the nausea; feeling sick is the first sign I get when I'm going to have a bad day. Anxiety or depression, it's there for both, but I have to say that as soon as you you realize that the nausea comes with your anxiety and is just a feeling and not a serious illness you may be able to control it better. Breath deep and slow and just tell the feeling to go away. You may get something els instead like chest pain like I do, but nausea is just the absolute worst for me, that sick queazy feeling all the time makes me feel like I'm dieing.

17-05-11, 22:29
Ginger biscuits help me too and of all things bananas. They seem to help with the "wobbly legs" thing that comes with feeling sick and not eating

18-05-11, 09:14
Thank you all for the responces, it's reassuring to know others have these same feelings!

This morning it's there again but I have been telling myself it's just the anxiety and if I ignore it, it will go away. Its going ok so far, no panic attack! yay progress :)

Nadine xx