View Full Version : Eeep dance class! :-)

17-05-11, 16:37
So i'm almost over the nausea from my sertraline (changed from citalopram last week) and think I'm starting to feel a bit less paranoid yay!
I managed to get back to work after not going in properly for 2 weeks and i'm even going to a dance class tonight with someone I don't know that well. still a bit worried but feeling like I can do it. :-)
I just thought I'd post this as I like to read the positive on here as well.
Thankyou sertraline! :D

17-05-11, 17:18
Ah thats great news, I hope you have a lovely time!

I definately agree, its lovely and reassuring to see positive posts so thanks for sharing. Have a fab time dancing. Id be useless as have 2 left feet lol!

Enjoy :) xx

18-05-11, 10:13
Hey Kate21. I really hope you enjoy your dance class. I think this is a great way to meet people and build confidence. (I started doing Salsa myself a while ago). You don't think so much about how you are coming across because you're concentrating on learning - and often getting it wrong, lol! In fact at a beginners class so many people are getting things wrong that it becomes quite funny! Also you meet everyone as during class either the guys or girls rotate every few minutes. At first this seems threatening but in general the people there are very nice I've found (of course there are the odd exceptions). I was very nervous before I went first time but have to say its one of the most positive things I've done and to help me tackle my Social Anxiety.

I really hope you have a great time. :)

18-05-11, 12:07
thanks guys, I got through it and it was lots of fun!
I was a bit nervous at the end when they just do the social dancing but a few guys dragged me up and I felt better after going for it, still felt a bit like everyone was looking at me and noticing my nerves but I think I will go again it definatley will give me more confidence.