View Full Version : just starting out

17-05-11, 20:06
hi everyone,
ok... ive been feeling generally down for past months and recently it has come to a head with panic attacks, fear constantly, and chest pains.

i went to see my gp who, after going through tth e motions of xrays and blood test established that its probably stress/depression which is causing these PA's.

I had been given fluxetine before when i was younger but i felt awful, for most of it so my GP has been put on Escitalopramd (10mg to be taken before bed)

I have started the course last night, i know it takes a few weeks to kick in, but from what i have read the best for lack of side effects (so far nothing except being very tired)

my question though are - have people really seen a difference taking these?

whats the situation having a pint at the weekend (not a binge , just a couple with lads from work )

and i have felt a tight chest (almost like indegestion) can i take usuall meds with escit? ie indegestion medicine or asprin for headaches?

exercise - its it safe to go to gym few times a week? i want to join a gym and get fit, i feel it will boost my self esteem and it couldnt hurt to lose the love handles!

and finally (thanks for you for reading this far!) taking at night before bed - good or bad thing?

i really need to boost, im sick of feeling this way and want to see there is light at the end of the tunnel

thank you all for listening


17-05-11, 20:25

These meds have had a positive effect for me, but it took a while and they are not a miracle cure (mores the pity!). It will probably take a good 6 weeks to feel the real benefit but each day does improve slightly.

Now for your questions:

1) I don't drink alcohol so can't answer that i'm afraid, others do though, so I think in moderation is ok - but remember alcohol is a downer!

2) You can take indegestion medicine and paracetamol with Escit. I have on my docs advice previously

3) The gym is a great idea and anyform of exercise is a positive thing and will be a big help in your recovery/management of anxiety and stress.

4) I take my escit in the morning, bascially because I had trouble sleeping and didn't want to take it at night. Others on here take at various different times. Its trial and error really until you find what time is best suited to you personally.

You have taken the first steps now, keep at it and fighting everyday. I know its a battle but we are all here for each other.

Good luck x

18-05-11, 15:07
thank you for your reply it was very helpful!

some news today thou... had a terrible night last night, was woken by a call at 2am (i am on call if the alarm goes off at work) i told the, i couldnt get out as had no transport/// anyways i couldnt get back to sleep and had possibly the worst PA of my life, i was shaking all over and thought i was having a heart attack.. my arms were tingalky and my jaw aches. ive had the day off work today and my jaw still aches, and feel generally "fuzzy" - lightheaded and a bit sick.

has anyone else had any problems while starting this drug?

i called my gp who suggested i take only 5mg and then graduly increase over the course of the week.

my GF has made it clear she doent think that pills are the answer as i was svery ill after being given fluxetine a few months ago.

does everyone feel this ill when taking them, will it go away!?!?

18-05-11, 15:54
The first 2-3 weeks for me were not great, it was almost as if there was not improvement at all. I couldn't eat, sleep or go to work. Was also very tearful for a day or to. I wanted to give up on the meds but reading posts on here gave me the encouragement and strength to keep going. Gradually things did get better, it was quite slow. I was on 5mg for 11 days then upped to 10mgs which is what i am still on, its been about 4 months. I am considering whether to increase to 20mgs as still some mornings are a bit iffy and around my period is awful but won't bore you with that, seeing as your are a male!

I am sure it will go away, give it a little more time. I think 5mgs is a better starting point, for at least a week then increase to 10mg.

Stay strong x

18-05-11, 17:02
ok i think im going to drop down to 5mg for a while then up it to10mg gradually.

thank you so much for your help, i finally feel i can open to people using this site.

Staying Stronger Together


p.s if anyone else whats to share their experiences i would love to hear from you all !

19-05-11, 00:59
Hi Rich84,

I had a dreadful first few days (nausea, crazy levels of anxiety, all over the road, couldnt eat, the whole works).

I called the doc and she said cut back to 5mg for about a week or so then go to full dose after 7 or 10 days. I did, and the initial symptoms passed.

Started feeling better after two weeks, took almost two months before full effects of this drug kick in.

Hang in there. It has helped me. I started about a year ago on 10mg and have continued and am functioning ok.


19-05-11, 12:40
Hi Rich,

I think exercise is a key to getting better and encourage it for everyone. What ever exercise they can manage (marathons to walking the dog...)

These meds from my experince take a long time to sure benefits, but there are so very little side effects...

Stick with it and you will be fine. I do encourage you post your progress here, it helps others but it will alos help you too. You can go back read your posts and see your progression. That helps a lot in knowing if things are working out or not....

Take care

19-05-11, 19:42
thank you for your replies, i had another restless nights sleep, but the tight chest has slighly improved, i have a stinking headache but im putting that down to not eating much last few days.

I went to see my parents today and to my surprise my dad has been taking the same drug for a year! and he swears by them. he told me ( as ive herd from many on here also) its a rocky few days but once i get through my body adjusting to the drugs it'll change my life... music to my ears !

i will keep you all posted and let you know how next few days go!


21-05-11, 21:22
ok... not a great couple of days.
awful night last night, terrible dreams and very panicy, my gf has gone away for a night to visit her friends up north.once i saw her off .i got home and took my dose and had a sleep then went for a long walk. seemed to work ok. maybe the side affects are starting to wear off?!?
although now im sat in an empty flat very lonely and worried about being her on my own (even as i type it i cant believe how pathetic it sounds!)

just need some cheering up tbh..

anyone got any sucess stories ?