View Full Version : Dull ache and random sharp pains in chest

17-05-11, 20:28
For a while now I've been having a lot of trouble based around my heart. I have this constant dull ache on the left side of my chest and it feels heavy. Throughout the day I get random sharp pains in the centre on my chest and on the left side below and above my breast and at the side. I'm worried that it's a build up to a heart attack! I get a lot of palpatations and "fluttery" feelings in the left of my chest. I've had ECGs and all but one were okay. I was told at the hospital a couple weeks ago that I have an irregular pulse?! My BP today is 103/68, I don't usually check my BP and I don't know if this is ok or not?!

I'm really scared! :(

anx mum
17-05-11, 20:47
Hiya hun know how scared u r i had exacly the same for months the pains u wouldnt believe i really believed summat was wrong. They thought mine was acid reflex had camera put down thoat u will be ok its hell really is im only just feeling abit better.

17-05-11, 21:06
Hi , the last post sounds right to me acid reflex (GERD) can cause all the things you are feeling, I know have had it for aroud 3 years and your BP is fine as it should be.

18-05-11, 08:03
Your BP sounds fine...the average should be around 120/80 but this is a very rough figure and depends on metabolism, size, age and many other different factors.

18-05-11, 10:07

It definitely doesn't sound like heart pins to me. From what my doctors have told me, heart pain is not sharp and achey, and heart pain also doesn't occur in the left side generlly. You may find that it is acid reflux, or even just muscle tension. Tension causes spasms and aches in the chest so try having a warm bath and doing some deep breathing and see if this can ease it up a bit :)

18-05-11, 10:52
Thank you all so much for replying. I was told once by a doctor that you can't get any stomach issues (wind, acid reflux) on the left side so that's why I worry it's my heart. I do have to burp ALOT, is that caused by acid reflux and if so, how do I get rid of it? I'm having a 24hr holter monitor 2moz to put my mind at ease.

18-05-11, 11:45
Hi ,gerd can cause burping. I find when everything builds up and i get pains in the chest i take a few bisodol indigestion relief tablets 100 for £2.70 at asda/tesco thats cheap and within a few mins i am burped-out and relieved.

also burping can be caused by eating to quick as you take in much more air.