View Full Version : my name is gary

17-05-11, 20:51
been on these tablets for years , after finding out i had combat stress disorder, from tours in ireland , and also attacks while working at securicor, doctor wants me off them ,so far mood swings , getting mad with every one ( didnt have this problem while on them ) getting stressed at the smallest thing .am i going barmy or what

17-05-11, 20:56
Hi gary2411

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
17-05-11, 21:02
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

~glowly worm~
17-05-11, 21:03
Hey gary,

welcome to NMP :)

If you are barmy that makes 2 of us but no..i dont think you are ;)
You have come to the right place it is hugely supportive and you will find many people who have been there and can offer great advice. Its an incredibly recovery based site.

Best of luck,


17-05-11, 21:35
Hi Gary, no you are not going barmy. I promise. I am weaning off doulepin at the mo to go onto Mirtazipine and I am angry, in tears, throwing up and having head shocks. So if you are going barmy then so am I. Keep trying, but think you may have to revisit doc and explain how you feel. T x

17-05-11, 22:41
Hi gary and :welcome:to NMP .Please read through the medication forum .There are plenty of posts about what you are experiencing .You will get a lot of support here to help you come through T/c .Sue x

17-05-11, 23:52
Hi gary2411, you'll find loads of support on this site..I certainly have. And no you're not going barmy, you'll have loads to contend with that most can only imagine. Take care

24-05-11, 19:56
guess what went to see the old doc today explained what was going on in the old think box ,she put me back on the tablets , took the first one this after noon brain seems to be going inthe right direction ,never had any problems taking them like some people its commiming off thats the problem ,thanks every one for your input ,might just start feeling human again soon. also its not only me that suffers its the people around you, like my wife havnt spoke properly to her for over a week,feel like a proper scumbag ,