View Full Version : sinus/ear issues :@

17-05-11, 21:11
Hi. a months ago i had the worse sinus/ear infection fo my life so painful. it cleared with antib but left me with a pooping ear which is gone now BUT i still have pain around nose and pain above eyebrows and sore there and when i put an ear phone in sometimes i get like a scratch feeling just inside ear. and last nigght i was so dizzy i fell to my knees it was horrible. anywa very worried about it.

17-05-11, 21:24
also with my breathing last night my friend said i snored so loudly for the 1st time (im normally called the silent sleeper) and when i wash my hair if i get water in my nose ive noticed i dont choke or nothing or cough and i also get a random throat spasm thing every few days which stops me breathing for a second and i woke up gasping for air a few nights ago.,

17-05-11, 22:05
also cant sleep as there is seagulls in loft again :@ and everytime i use hot water and turn it off and come back to my room theres a bang in the loft. the gas cooker doesnt turn on right either- takes loads of tries and it smells of gas after- it wont tick over right.

cheesy pete
17-05-11, 22:28

I know from experience that sinus pain and headaches are no fun. Suffering at the moment myself and i think it may be related to hayfever / allergies. If it still hasn't cleared up properly, have you been back to your gp?

17-05-11, 22:32
hi. I havnt been back to my gp yet but i dont even know if its that or just me thinking about it to much and causing the pain :S
scared to go to sleep though haha

17-05-11, 22:46
Last thing is I think I ate undercooked meat earleier and now I have a tummy ache and noisey tummy. Also fir six months last year I was in agony with tummy aches, constant noises and food getting trapped in chest which was agony. I got the food thing last week n burped all the time fir three days after. Also sometimes I sti get a very noisy tummy. Worried bout meat it was soo pink

17-05-11, 23:16
hi, i can relate to nearly all of that

sinus can take a while to clear up even with antibotics....try warm water with vicks in a bowl towel over your head and breath it in.

waking gasping ive had it its like waking in a panic.

the throart spasm glad i read this i had it before n freaked me couldnt descrobe it

snoring if you got sinus issues or over tired you will be x

cooker i moved myhouse gas cooker make sure the tops are on properly cos if not they wont ignite x

the meat try not to worry you will just get icky tummy and feel sicky dring loads of fluids xx

hope ive helped xx

18-05-11, 22:22
Thanks. Today i got the dizziness again and had to sit down and nearly feel to my knees again- ive never had dizziness this bad its horrible, still got the headaches to and sometimes its sore to touch above eyebrows. also got a pain in my cheek earler but that may be cause i have a wisdom tooth coming through. the snoring though has freaked me out- i have been loosing a little sleep a couple of weeks ago though :(.
really scared to sleep- just dont feel well

18-05-11, 22:28
also just used the hot water and heard the bang in the loft again

18-05-11, 23:18
I have had sinus problems for about 4 years now. They suck. I have all the pain you have described and more. It really is nothing to worry about. I know that is easy to say, but it is sooooo painful and feels awful. I feel so dizzy, face pain, eyebrow pain, earache, front headaches, nose pain, cheek pain, water trickling in my head sensations etc etc. I was scared about it all but had lots of tests, nothing was found, they said I didn't even have any sinus issues, yes they still hurt, many years on. They are really aggravated by the weather when it wants to rain and isn't and when the air pressure is high, like before a storm.

I know it is hard, but try not to worry. It will just take some time for them to settle down

19-05-11, 00:03
i think there is something going arround i have had a cough i cant shake with running nose seems to get worse by night my boy has got the same but also a water infection so i think its a case of a doctors visit hope i clears soon its doing my nut in

hope u have a fast recovery

19-05-11, 21:23
thank you both. i only worried more as i had a bad sinus/ear infection after a cold a month ago- was so bad i spent 3 days crying in bed cause of the pain. today i had a really sore pain which was so painful to touch above eyebrow. only one spot.
also dad used bleach today and left some on the kitche floor and in the bath and i just used the bath and stepped on the bleach. in a right old state again

19-05-11, 23:22
Also just heard bang in loft again- the loft is weird man before us was fiddling with electrics up there. Scared of A house fire lol

20-05-11, 15:30
today i had the terrible pain on nose and above eyebrow again which has passed now. BUT today i noticed a yellow/gold spot on one of my toe nails.

20-05-11, 18:09
also had a hour earlier where i was yawning and tired all the time. and kept closing m eyes. very worried about toe nail

20-05-11, 18:50
also keep getting pains above one eyebrow and when i stand my knees feel weak and like im gonna fall over. im all jittery at the moment

20-05-11, 20:35
i just got up to run a bath and felt so dizzy i had to sit down and burst out into tears. im on my own this evening which isnt helping. the pain is in centre forehead now and really hurts

21-05-11, 00:04
Just heard the beeps from loft again- the man before us was doing dodgy stuff with electrics before us n we have seagulls up there so near to tears again

21-05-11, 00:16
Hey em. It will be ok hon. You're letting your imagination loose. Reel it in, breath nice and deep and try to rest.
Chris x

21-05-11, 13:52
hi. thank you i think im more anxious at the moment as my brother is in hopsital for a serious mental illness. he can hear voices/see things and is trying to harm him self. im very worried as it started with him hearing people calling his name and i keep hearing someone say "emma" i heard it once this morning from outside. he heard it once to when his started a month ago

21-05-11, 15:57
just now i found spyware on my pc but i cant remove it. my mum is silly on the pc, adds random people on facebook and tells them all out details etc. also just now i heard a knock on the door and no one was there so im panciked. the night bro went into hospital there was bullets in driveway. im so close to tears and physically shaking and my teeth are chattering.

21-05-11, 16:03
also brothers in hospital for hallucations etc and something bad happened to him outside around the area- also theres been a gun man in the area recently- well a month ago...
my bro thinks he can see/hear things etc and thinks we are in danger and the door thing has sent me over the edge! i cant do anything, i cant move or go outside and i feel like im going mental..,i just want to scream

21-05-11, 16:04
i also just cut my own hand about 10 mins ago in anger and im very up set

21-05-11, 16:08
what if im hearing things like ben was> i heard my name this morning like he did before he went funny.

21-05-11, 16:11
i keep getting up walking round then coming back to pc. my breathing is funny and my throat is starting to hurt and im nearly in tears now- jjust holding them back. my breathing is heavy and panicked

21-05-11, 16:12
and i keep slamming things and hitting things. im scared and cant cope

21-05-11, 16:20
last thing is all day ive been hearing bangs from outside

21-05-11, 16:30
i can still hear bangs omg

21-05-11, 16:40
I just heard my name again aswell. "emmaaaaaa" from a distance. a male voice.

21-05-11, 16:54
i think i have this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adware virus but i cant remove it

21-05-11, 17:05
the bangs from lost are scaring me. and there happening in other places to. i could swear im going to die

21-05-11, 17:16
i really cant cope with this and need to know who knocked on the door earlier. i feel like i cant breathe and im gasping for air. i just want to phone the police and i need to be stopped from going mentally insane.

21-05-11, 17:27
Emma, you sound like you are having a panic attack, your mind is racing and you are fearing harmless situations, Panic/anxiety does that too you.

I am very sorry to hear that your brother is unwell and what it must be like for you all, the stress of this has most likely caused an increase in your anxiety levels, but just because this has happened to him it doesn't mean it will happen to you. You need to find something that will calm you down, what do you enjoy doing? you are fine, the noises you hear in loft street etc are prob minor noermal everyday noises that most people wouldn't give a 2nd thought too but because you are super anxious this is maling you super aware, this is very common in anxiety. I really feel that speaking to a family member would be a good idea, let them understyand how you are feeling. How is the counciling going?

21-05-11, 17:30
hiya. im ok-ish now thanks. very shaky but i just phoned mum and she said "probs just a sale man who couldnt be bothered to wait for an ansower" it made me laugh as i it made me thoughts seem irrational.
the only other thing about the pc virus is people keep adding me on msn and my mums msn which has over 300 people on.
Counessling- im still on the list to actually start the sessions. i really beleive my bro being ill has stressed me out a lot

21-05-11, 17:38
I am glad you are feeling a little better, Any major stresses can increase anxiety levels, but when you are aware of this it makes it a little easier to deal with. I really would'nt worry about spywear on your pc, i get msg about spywear on mine all the time some are easy to remove some are not, its just usually people trying to gain access to passwords etc, but anti-virus softwear picks up on it and blocks it, no big deal everyone using computers will come across that sometimes.

Anyway, how is your brother doing? is he feeling any better? how long has he been in hospital for, sometimes hospitals will offer family councilling to help the patients and the family, as the family suffer too, might be worth finding out if thats an option, give you a chance to talk about it xx

23-05-11, 22:01
Hiya. His been in for a month and no real improvement. Me mum n dad have a meeting at the hospital tommorow with a phychatirst. I can still hear bangs and either a seagull or squirrel in loft. My uncle went up five years ago n said the electrics the man was doing before didn't look totally legal or safe. Also my teeth are hurting and bleeding a little. I'm worried, when my anx was real bad I would neglect things like that. I'm scared of pain and needles so do I see a dentist before it's to late. I do brush my teeth for two mins each day now even though I missed one day last week oops

24-05-11, 06:18
Debating if to book an app today for next week :/

24-05-11, 10:09
i can hear the seagull/squirrel running around now grr. also bangs and stuff, also last night my celing made a massive creaking sound that had me jumping put of bed.
im tired all the time now- could sleep for over 16 hours easily at the moment. and i have no appetite last two days- had to force a slice of toast down me yesterday and a piece of fruit

24-05-11, 10:38
there is a seagull which the women next door feeds :@ and it comes back every year cause of it. i can hear proper big bangs coming from somewere almost like its trying to get in. ive lost the ability to go out today cause im scared ill come home and they would of caused a fire. the thing is when the seagull cant be seen i hear noises in the loft.