View Full Version : Gas/Bloatedness related palpitations...

18-05-11, 01:43
Hey guys.

So today I had a bad day after I decided to eat 20 mini shrimps with French fries.

As soon as I finished I was so bloated. I drank a coke as well as a hot cup of tea that resulted in gas to start rumbling in my stomach and chest. I was in class when all of a sudden I had a few runs of ectopics that made me panic and then my pulse began racing/pounding for about 4 minutes.

Now I'm home and I feel fine but I just wanna know if anyone suffers from this. I never get this when I eat small meals but the second I decide to stuff my face(lol) with a lot of junk food, I get bloated with gas and the horrible palps start.

Please does anyone get this. All replies are really appreciated.