View Full Version : Citalopram....

18-05-11, 12:06
I took my first 20mg tablet this morning at about half 7, and i have felt horrible since.
I keep going light headed, dizzy and got really bad shakes, is this normal?

Ive never had any medication before now and im scared im going to have a bad reaction.
How long will the side effects last?


18-05-11, 12:07
Hi RhyannonDorothy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-05-11, 12:34
Hi RhyannonDorothy welcome,

I have been on Citalopram for a couple of months now. I started on 10mg and went up to 20mg after two weeks.

I too suffered some side effects. First ones were a funny fizzy feeling in my brain which only happened occassionally, I also felt very nauseas, to help with that I ate ginger biscuits, I also felt dizzy. These symptoms lasted about 2 weeks or just over.

Keep with it as the long term gain far out weighs a couple of weeks feeling a bit rubbish. I read comments from people on here like that when I first started taking them and it was hard to think I ever would feel better but I can assure you will. I didnt deal with the side effects too well I took to my bed most of the day but now they are over I am feeling so much better and I am able to try and start sorting out some of the reasons that i first started taking citalopram.

If you do start to feel really unwell I would recommend that you check with the pharmacy or doctor but you will find lots of support on this site. :)

18-05-11, 14:34
I started citalopram yesterday, i have only suffered with sickness feelings for 3-4 hours, other than that i havent felt any different, no better but no worse. sorry that your having a difficult time with them x

18-05-11, 16:01
Ryannon :welcome:TO NMP .There is a medication forum on Citalopram further down the page .Most people find it helps but please dont expect it to work straight away .It will take 4-6 weeks for your dose to settle and during the first three weeks on average you will experience some side effects .Everyone is different and its hard to say exactly how long these effects last .Some only a couple of weeks and some it takes longer A few dont feel much in the way of s/e s at all .You will find a lot of info on the Cit forum and you will get plenty of help and support to see you through this period of adjustment .All the best T/c Sue x:hugs:

18-05-11, 16:57
I also started taking Citalopram today 20mg, and have felt horrible ever since, feeling really sick, shaky and tired, im hoping tomorrow is a little better...think i was hoping for a miracle cure.

18-05-11, 17:06
I also started taking Citalopram today 20mg, and have felt horrible ever since, feeling really sick, shaky and tired, im hoping tomorrow is a little better...think i was hoping for a miracle cure.

6 months of suffering with anxiety and panic and i am still waiting for a miracle cure lol, unfortunately there isn't one. :ohmy:

I have Citalopram 20mg and started off with 10mg gradually increased the dose and i have to say I felt terrible before i got better, the doctor said you usually feel worse before you feel better i took about 4 weeks to start feeling ok again. If you can just get through the initial horrible stage of it you should find it makes a lot of difference x

19-05-11, 09:47
Thanks for the advice, I read a great post on this last night, Citalopram Survival Guide by Pychopoet, it really did help. Its like a no nonsence guide, which tells you what to expect when using Citalopram. (very helpful)

19-05-11, 09:52
Hi. I took one Citalopram tablet and was violently sick about one hour after taking it... and then I continued to be sick throughout the night. I also felt very shivery and was shaking under a blanket. Can anybody tell me whether it is normal to feel sick so soon after taking your first dose?

19-05-11, 09:52
Hi Ryhhannon

We are at the same stage with regards to our meds, how are you coping this morning.

I took my second dose at 6.30 this morning, im now back to feeling sick and quite shaky inside. I didnt seem to be bothered with headaches yesterday, until nearer bedtime, which i eased with paracetomal.

If your needing to compare notes, just PM me.

19-05-11, 09:57
Cookie - you probably don't want to put your email address on here as it is an open forum so you are likely to get spammed. It is best to ask a member to send you a PM not an email.

19-05-11, 10:11
Thanks Nicola, im still muddling through how to get round the site, never thought of that :)

19-05-11, 10:48
The worse the initial side effects are the more likely it is to work for you.

19-05-11, 11:56
Hi guys, thankyou for all the replies they've helped.
Its my second day on them, the dizziness is worse but i dont feel as sick.
Yeah i thought my dose was high for someone who has never taken any medication before, i have an appointment with my doctor soon i'll ask him about it then.

I really dont like the way i cant concentrate at the moment, my mind just goes blank, im not sure if thats a side effect or not.

thankyou again guys

19-05-11, 12:21
My doctor put me on Citalopram last year and I had to stop taking them because they made me feel worse. On the last day of taking them I could'nt even drive my car because I was so dizzy, It was horrible. I havent taken anything since because I'm a strong believe that these tablets only mask the problem, but don't actually sort anything out.

Goodluck, I hope they work for you :)

19-05-11, 12:27
So far i think they're terrible, but this is only my second day so i cant really judge them.
I never wanted to take medication if im honest, i think the same as you, my sister has been on medication for years and it hasnt helped her at all. she's currently on 100mg of anti-depressant (im not sure of the name) but she said it hasnt helped her at all.
im being given counsilling aswell so hopefully i wont be on them for long (:

19-05-11, 12:42
You never know, just because they didnt work for me doesnt mean that you won't benefit from them. I'm glad that your looking at them as a short term solution.

Goodluck Rhyannon...keep smiling hunny :) xx

19-05-11, 13:01
[QUOTE=shoegal;832448]Hi. I took one Citalopram tablet and was violently sick about one hour after taking it... and then I continued to be sick throughout the night. I also felt very shivery and was shaking under a blanket. Can anybody tell me whether it is normal to feel sick so soon after taking your first dose?[/QUOT

Hi shoegal
They made me feel very sick for nearly a month .I would gag every morning .Even eating something like a spoonful of Yoghurt made me retch ..They are better if you can eat something first ,but this is near impossible for some .To be so violenty sick after the first tablet would suggest they are not right for you .But at least it had got into your system before you were sick .Did you have the same reaction the next time you took it ?..Its possible you could have picked up a bug ,but if its the same every time you take one .Id ask for something else .Theres side effects and side effects ..that does seem very severe to me . I had the same reaction to another med and the Doc said I was allergic to it ...t/c Sue x

19-05-11, 13:49
Im on day 2 of the same tablet, and not feeling very good about them at all, im feeling constantly sick, couldnt even brush my teath without retching, i also feel lightheaded, and have terrible nerves all over my body, really shaky and tense.

Ive read a lot of the posts, and i knew to expect side effects, but not to this degree, i gave my doctor a phone, and explained, and he seems to think that the side effects shouldnt be this severe either.

Im going to see him this afternoon, i,ll let you all know what he says.

Everyone keep smiling..we,ll get there in the end. :D