View Full Version : Blood results

18-05-11, 13:20
Hi Everyone, i got my blood and stool results back from the doctors today and they were all normal, yay:yahoo: so I'm hoping now that will be an end to it all and I can start feeling better! I no it's not going to happen over night but fingers crossed I will realise now that all these horrible symptoms are just my head playing tricks on me! So now on I'm just going to try and think positive and hopefully get my life back! X

18-05-11, 13:22
hope you can do so i have tried and keep failing, but you must be ok the head plays silly tricks on us.

18-05-11, 14:27
That's good; you're very brave, i hate any kinds of tests. What have you been feeling? I'm trying to convince myself that my symptoms are just anxiety too :)

18-05-11, 14:57
i just worry about anything to do with my health its horrid i get ibs too so that makes things worse, how bout you?

18-05-11, 15:03
Yes me too, had bad IBS and nausea for about 8 weeks now. Keep freaking out about it but i've seen 2 doctors and they told me that wind can be pushed up to your stomach and cause nausea. Do you ever feel sick with IBS? It's worse first thing in the morning xx

18-05-11, 19:14
since having a heart op in feb i have been a right mess, my heart goes fast 24/7, i dont feel with it, really bad chest pains, being sick (not been sick in 2 weeks now:D) upset tummy,cant sleep, have no energy, the list just goes on lol but ive had a heart scan, countless ecg's, blood tests, chest x-rays, 48 hr heart tape, stool test and a blood clot test (very painful) I still feel awful and get the symptoms 24/7 but surely after so many tests if something was wrong something would of shown up? im takink 50mg sertraline for about 4 weeks now and starting to feel a little bit better and have just managed to go back to work full time after having over 2 months off so i must be getting better! its going to be a long and slow process but im sure i will get there :)
