View Full Version : anxiety and worry

18-05-11, 14:04
hi there, im currently goin through a terrible phase of anxiety and im finding it hard to cope. ive recently been through a very stressfull time in my life that at the time i coped with very well, now its all calmed down and im happy again its sprung up!! i do get these episodes from time to time. ive recently started taking stressless tablets, does anyone find these helpfull, i really dont want to go on perscription medication!

18-05-11, 16:29
Sometimes this happens. When you have no choice but to deal with problems and stress, you somehow manage too get through it,then when things settle down your body and mind react. I can't take any of the herbal tablets, but find rescue remedy drops very good. I do hope that you feel better soon, if you are in a happy place in your life now I'm sure you will get through this. Good luck. X

18-05-11, 18:15
hi there mhairi, thanks for your reply. its nice to know im not the only person to experience this, it can make u feel so alone at times, people just dont get why you can b feeling so bad when things are seemingly perfect! mayb i will try the rescue remedies too! x