View Full Version : embarrased, but totally freaking out.

18-05-11, 15:56
ok so last week i was convinced i had ibs due to cramps in my stomach n stuff so i eliminated out 'trigger foods' for a while, but at the weekend there, i was away on a short break and whilst there i ate anything i wanted to but never felt worse for doing so. today i went to toilet and it was purple! i didnt worry too much because i ate a whole jar of pickled beetroot while i was away, but im still getting the stomach cramps and i had to go again today and it was black, im totally freaking out big time. i read on the website anxiety can cause the cramps n stuff so i was telling myself that to calm down a bit. i dont think the cramps r there wen i have my mind 100% on somthing else. anyway, its settin me off big time and now im gettin all my other anxiety symptoms back which had settled down for a good few months!

18-05-11, 15:58
p.s im at the moment leaving my 4 and half year long job to start a new one, and i think its stressing me out also. could this be causing the stomach cramps? im convinced i have ovarian cancer or somthing ffs

18-05-11, 16:08
It will be the leftovers of your purple, hehe. I get that a lot; I don't really really worry about it. I went to the walk in centre about it when I had a pain and it happened and I was going through a bad anxiety stage. They asked if it was like tar and I said no. So they said it's probably nothing. By the next day it was a little lighter then went away. The nurse at the walk in centre help up a mug and said, 'we only worry if its like tar or if theres enough blood to fill this cup.' I get it now if ive been drinking lots of tea or eating fibre or just for no reason sometimes :)

18-05-11, 16:09
And yes, your stress can definitely cause cramps. I was going away to spain last year and got a bit stressed out and had period pain type cramps that were enough to cause me to take strong killers. I took colofac for a bit and it lasted about 3 weeks (or until I found something else to worry about :))