View Full Version : Citalopram side effects

18-05-11, 16:49
Hi I started taking this med (Citalopram) today, 20mg in the morning as prescribed by my doc, and i have been more shaky, feeling sick, not wanting to eat and a bit spaced out, also really lethargic, and this is only day one.
Before starting with these i was feeling shaky (constant nervous shakes inside), this seems to have heightened after taking my first tablet this morning.
How long can i expect this to last, i feel like i cant function, and i was planning on going back to work next monday.

Any advice would be grateful :weep:

18-05-11, 18:15
Side effects usually ware off within a couple of weeks, it takes time for your body to adjust to them, try not to worry about it. If it doesn't pass go back to see your doc to try something else, differet tablets agree with different people. If you don't feel up to work, don't make yourself feel worse.

18-05-11, 18:42
Hi Cookie, yes it takes a little while for that feeling to go. I also started on 20mg about 18 months ago and I was worse before I got better. After 3 months I then had to go up to 40mg but thankfully now I am down to 10mg and feel oh so much better. I am hoping to come off of them completely but what I can honestly say is that they really helped me to get to this point. I think you should read the Citalopram Survival Guide on here, posted by Psychopoet. It really helped me in the beginning and I know that it has helped many on here, give it a go and see how you feel.
I wish you all the very best of the meds but I would say definitely stick with them because they really do help, well they did for me.
All the very best to you
Jannie x x

18-05-11, 20:19

Thanks very much for the advice, i,ve not been on these types of meds before, and im really scared...Just needing to check that what im feeling is normal, thats not saying that im not going to give you all a running comentary of my symtoms, when i start to wobble again...but hopefully i,ll come out the other end smilling.

Big thanks :)

19-05-11, 09:41
Hi Jannie

I read the Citalopram Survival Guide, this was very helpful, and well written.
Thanks a million, it helped.

Cookie X

22-05-11, 13:46
I'm sure you'll start feeling fine soon. I was amazed when my side effects stopped, lierally one day there was none! I hope you're as lucky as me as they stopped quickly.

24-05-11, 15:09
After 7 days the side effects are wearing off, i feel much better. I did drink alcohol at the weekend which knocked me slightly yesterday, but after a good sleep feeling much better again. I am going to avoid alcohol on these, it intensified the anxiety x