View Full Version : Recently started citolapram

18-05-11, 21:22
hiya everyone, i feel awkward posting this because i just dont understand how ive began to feel the way i am , like most people i suppose
id never amagine what it was like if i wasnt feeling, anxiety/depression
im only young, 17 ive been having trouble for the last 2-3 years
and got worse and worse, mum didnt understand an want me to take meds because 'you get hooked' what she thinks but even if it does ive read things on here and if i do 'get hooked' to get better then ill do it anyway, most of the hard things have been getting shaky when going out, finding it very hard to concentrate, and like most people explain 'feeling like a zombie sort off,

i really hhope citolapram works, ive now been on it round about two weeks not counted the days but definatly feel more steady, 'less shaky' than i was, some side affects worse one possibly sleeping but all not too bad, but still really bad with going out feel like a zombie, everything blury,
ive also noticed i feel alot more comftoble now than i did nbefore maybe its kicking in ? i started 10 mg for the first week, now 20 mg,

i used to be a very hyper , not being bigheaded 'liked person, in school was always the class clown :roflmao:but since ive been like this ive locked myself in and fealt drained, im just wondering will i be able to get back to myself the happy person i was, nothing bothered me? and get my sense of humor back, all i want is to be myself again since being like this ive fealt like a tottaly different person and its really made me feel down too, but hopefully ill get back to myself

the thing i worry about the most is my mind it controls the way i think , 'chatterbox. as described in the cant remember the name of the thread but thats what it does

one question i really wanted to know was this,
i seen this on the thread too, [READ BELOW 'Cannabis,

dont judge me because i smoked it, i smoked it too feel better
as i couldnt handle the way i was feeling i was going through a reallly
tough time, still am and it did make me feel better but after months and months i think it actually made my anxiety levels worse, question anyway
it says below 'pernemant, will mine be pernament im scared because im only young if it was that , that effected me too, will citolapram deal with that too? i heard it causes chemical inbalance and andi-depressents get them back ,

Cannabis - Psychoactive drug with a number of very useful medical applications. Cannabis is also used recreationally to induce a state of relaxation and well-being. Although many recreational users do not believe there is anything wrong with using cannabis, this substance is banned in many countries due to its dangerous effects on human mental health. Contrary to popular opinion, regular cannabis use may have damaging effects and should be avoided.
Although some people argue that alcohol is more damaging to society - and at this moment in time, they may be right - the fact remains that cannabis should be avoided, particularly if you are already suffering from mental health issues. The UK drugs charity "Talk to Frank" says of cannabis: People who say cannabis is harmless don't know what they are talking about.

Side effects: Mood swings, personality change, paranoia, depression, anxiety, serious mental health issues including psychosis. These effects can be permanent.
Citalopram safe: No.

sorry if ive went on too much i just wanted to make sure
try and get some hope atleast :yesyes:

18-05-11, 22:46
Hi mate

Sorry you are haveing such a bad time at a young age .

I,m no expert and have been on citralapram 20 mg since January (45 and no previous need for meds )

They do take awhile to kick in , and no you are not hooked on them for life there non addictive , they give you the break you need and after 6 months you can start to come off them by slowly reduceing the dose ........THIS IS THE CASE FOR ME WORKING WITH MY DOCTOR :D

Don,t know about the canabis stuff but at your tender age i wouldn,t worry about the past smokeing it , i would think the problems with it are for more long term use,rs , don,t touch it again though .

Hope this helps , loads of good advice on here mate :yesyes:

18-05-11, 22:53
Forgot to add i was always the clown and the life and sole of the party and ended up house bound for months at the end of last year . You will get better mate but its no quick fix it takes time and 2 weeks is nothing on citralapram imho , have you read the citralpram survival guide i member posted on here , very good reading .

You,ll be fine mate , i take it your from Liverpool with a member id like scouser :D

18-05-11, 22:57
Hi mate

Sorry you are haveing such a bad time at a young age .

I,m no expert and have been on citralapram 20 mg since January (45 and no previous need for meds )

They do take awhile to kick in , and no you are not hooked on them for life there non addictive , they give you the break you need and after 6 months you can start to come off them by slowly reduceing the dose ........THIS IS THE CASE FOR ME WORKING WITH MY DOCTOR :D

Don,t know about the canabis stuff but at your tender age i wouldn,t worry about the past smokeing it , i would think the problems with it are for more long term use,rs , don,t touch it again though .

Hope this helps , loads of good advice on here mate :yesyes:

hey, thanks for the reply :) i wasnt really smoking it much but i have
smoked it from the age of 14 too 17, only because of friends smoked
and i smoked it socially to fit in not because im a bad person, i only smoked it maily night times i got told if you dont smoke it all day its ok,
obviously not by things ive heard now of some people but surely it cant
be all the canabis just of 3 years? do you think the citolapram will still help me get myself back together? im just worried of my future more than anything now that im getting older and cant even manage to get a job because of the way im feeling , alot was to do with my nan passing away it went downhill from there, dont want to go on to much, just want to feel 'normal again :unsure: ive actually been of the canabis now since november :D

and yeah im a scouser :} guess you dont mind them?

alot of people dont like me because of it online, xbox , ps3 and things like that

the survivor guide was really good, gave me hope, but the canabis had put me down[mentioning of it]
i started smoking it too feel better, the docter said it can actually make things worse, maybe thats why
it got a bit out of control but its not all the canabis because i was still finding it really hard going out in public places
do you think i will be ok lol? i sound stupid on this but i really want my life back , want to live like a normal teen
go out partying have fun, get in college but cant do any of that now its frustrating me alot ;/ lol

18-05-11, 23:21
Hey Scouser,

It sounds like you are beating yourself up a bit about having smoked cannabis....please don't, it's something so many people do at all ages and it's not easy being a teenager when your peers are doing it, I vaguely remember...!

Anxiety/depression is a funny old thing, who knows why it lands on some people, certainly being in your teens is tough enough as it is....but well done you for having the courage to acknowledge how you feel because it takes plenty of that, if you have got even this far then I'm sure you will get over this blip in your life and get on enjoying it. Use the advice and support of knowledgeable people and keep talking, don't ever bottle up your feelings.

Best of luck for some happy teen years, wish I could go back to them!

18-05-11, 23:28
Oh, forgot to say, I've been on citalopram for coming up a year and now reducing, they have helped enormously and well worth persisting through the initial few weeks until they really kick in...I haven't got hooked one bit...on half what I was on (now 10mg) and it is fine!

19-05-11, 08:08
People from Liverpool are :yesyes:
Great sense of humour. AS happycamper says don,t beat yourself up over a short term use of canabis .

Speak soon .

19-05-11, 09:06
i have been on citalopram now for about 8weeks maybe a little longer the first 3-4 weeks i was still feeling anxious etc am not 100% but am a lot better than i was you will get there soon hang in there... x x

19-05-11, 09:18
thank you everyone :) actually feel good that ive found this
site because alot of the posts ive read theres people who have
got back to 'therselves' sorted there lifes back around which is good obviously
so makes me feel like it can get back :) just might take a little time , its took enough
already so waiting a couple weeks i wont really mind

& glad you like us mel like i said alot dont but we really are good people lol :)
[most of us] people judge us as a 'scally place' yeah there is some but its like that everywhere most of the people are nice than not nice

ill post again to let people know how its going, feel a bit weird this mornin
but i got told it can take a couple of weeks to work so im just going too stick
with it for now

happycamper & honeypie, thats good too hear really hope it works out, good luck :D

21-05-11, 16:30
Speak soon :yesyes: , get the first few weeks over with and you will slowly start to feel better :)

21-05-11, 22:29
Speak soon :yesyes: , get the first few weeks over with and you will slowly start to feel better :)

just a little update :) ive now been on 20 mg for 11 days
3 more to go and thats the first two weeks also had two weeks on the 10mg but this week ive noticed [i live with my uncle at the moment,
and hes saying already im looking better conversationwise and more comftuble walking .. i know it sounds funny but i was really shaky
since ive been feeling the way i have but it looks like slowly day by day its improving , and im not sure if its the citolapram but i swear my vision is getting a bit better day by day too, keeping my dfingers crossed really do hope it works because i cant go on forever feeling the way i do ruins my life stops me from doing everything so maybe its the way back to 'normal :)

i actually do still feel uncumftable, scatty' if anyone uses that word, not sure if its scouse slang lol,
but not 'really' uncomftable so its an improvement since last time? :)

im now also taking multivitamans i just want to know is it ok taking these while on citolapram? im sure it would but what do i know? lol
trying everything now just to get myself back and i do have a really bad diet ive been told but i am a teen i dont know many teens
who eat fruit/veg but i am growing up so maybe they might help a little to.. dont know but still worth taking cant make it any worse
just is it ok to take them? :}

also dont know if its the citolapram but im almost 100% it must be, my thoughts ive been getting have slowly been going away
like if im speeking to someone people must think im crazy, .. its not me the the way my brains working at the moment since im feeling
the way i am ill be speaking but thinking in my head of the way im looking because when i have a conversation people can tell
im not focusing/concentrating most people say looks like im lost or scared but i always think about it what makes it worse, dont know why its weird
maybe its the anxiety but the thoughts have been going slowly too? MAYBE ITS WORKING? does anyone else get/has got like this?

31-05-11, 11:05
its been a long battle so far, the shakiness i was expierencing
has almost tottaly gone, focus / concentration is starting
to come back slowly ATLAST :) yesterday + today fealt i can
almost concentrate ive been having diffuculites last couple of months
/years// ive been told i look more like im 'with it' than just sitting
there lost so i think its starting to come along .. .i hope so :)

01-08-11, 17:23
Have you stayed off the weed? :) hope so.
I've been there done that. Everything you have wrote..it feels like I wrote it myself. Mad. I've been drug free for a year and a half :D it was hard. Very hard but I will never smoke again. People don't realise how dangerous it is. Especially when you're highly addicted. When I was 18 I was prescribed Citalopram.. And it didn't agree with me.. I actually went crazy. I'm ok now. :) no meds. Normalish life. :) I was in a very bad way never thought I'd smile agaig or think straight..the weed was the root of my problems. I sincerley hope you stayed off it and I pray to god for happiness and strength for you. You will get there. Overcome your fears and addictions and you can accomplish anything. Believe me mate. Oh and I'm Scouse as well kid :) hugs xxx