View Full Version : constant wind still here

18-05-11, 21:27
hi there i havent posted for a wee while as ive been trying to overcome the anxiety about my stomach ,the constant wind ,burping,acid and heartburn.Well ive been on omeprazole since friday ,i was on lansoprazole but they didnt agree with me.The acid and the heartburn is better but the constant wind and burping is still there .I feel like i have a constant air bubble in my chest ,its so bad.If i eat or drink the smallest thing it builds up this massive ball of air in top of stomach and in chest .Even if i dont eat it happens its totally driving me mad.I did think the tabs would help this but it hasnt at all.I just dont know what else to do to get rid of it its totally driving me mad.anyone relate to this being this bad.kind regards molly

18-05-11, 21:41
Hi Molly,
I can. I've been on here all day waiting for answers about my current problem as as i've been on off work. I have wind but i have it from both sides; top and bottom. I can hear it gurgling and popping everywhere from underneath my ribs to my groin. I've had this for 8 weeks now after a long period of stress. Does yours make you feel nauseous? I went to the dr yesterday and she said how my intestines are spasming and pushing air up towards my tummy causing nausea.

Are you finding your swallowing a lot? With lots of bubbly spit? I have the ball of air feeling too. If i massage above my belly button it makes funny squelchy sounds. 2 doctors have said cause is adrenaline from anxiety.

I hope you feel better soon and know what your going through. Feel better soon x

19-05-11, 11:08
I am suffering badly. It is trapped all on left side, it hurts so much when it stabs around my chest and ribs:-(

I am full of wind high and low and feel totally fed up. I don't feel sick though.

19-05-11, 11:53
Hi there.

I too have been keeping a lid on my anxiety for a while but lately I've had terrible wind and a feeling of nausea. I came on here today because of it and I saw this post! I'm feeling pretty run-down and tired so I'm hoping that this could just be a symptom of being tired and a bit stressed.

Hope you are all feeling better soon,


20-05-11, 20:27
Hi there thanks for your replies ,my computer has been down so couldnt reply sooner.I went to doc today and he told me to keep taking the omeprazole and he is organising the breath test for the helicobater as i had the blood test and that was positive but that only tells you that you have antibodies to it not that the infection is active so i wasnt willing to take antibiotics when i dont know if its the cause of my stomach issues.Doc does think its all stress .I just hate this constant ball of wind in my chest and top of stomach its awful.kind regards molly

21-05-11, 15:07
Can anyone relate to the constant feeling at top of stomach at diphram this feeling of constantly needing to burp ,its awful.kind regards molly

21-05-11, 17:57
Also ive just eaten my dinner and i feel horrificly full after just a few forkfulls .I feel like ive eaten a horse its awfull.kind regards molly