View Full Version : Low Body Temperature

She Alone
18-05-11, 22:38
I was hoping I could get some advice from anyone who has ever taken Citalopram and experienced low body temperature as a side effect. I can't find anything online about it.

My husband has been taking Citalopram for about three weeks now and suddenly his body temperature has been dropping every few days or so. It's gotten as low as 95.3 recently and I'm completely freaked out by it.

Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know how I can treat or what it means? We told his doctor and his doctor didn't seem worried, but I honestly have issues trusting the doc myself. Please help!

18-05-11, 23:28
I didnt take my temperature when I started on them , so cant tell you .I know I felt pretty rough tho due to s/e s .Did your husband have his Thyroid tested before he was perscribed Citalopram ? If not it might be a good idea ,Temp Below 95 isnt normal so go back to the Dr if it drops more . It may go back to normal and just be the low serotonin levels causing it ,but this should be rectified once the drug gets in the system properly .usually around 4 weeks All the best and I hope he gets back to normal soon luv Sue x

22-05-11, 21:58

Don't know about low body temperature, but for aboout the first 3 or 4 weeks I was taking citalopram, I was cold all the time - so much so that I couldn't bear to be in the chiller aisles at the supermarket as I would be shivering with cold after a minute or so! It has settled down now and I don't notice the cold any more that I used to. Hope he feels better soon

23-05-11, 10:23
has he been eating properly ? getting plenty of water ? sounds like lack of energy to me.

when i first took citalopram i didnt feel like eating much, they make you feel worse for about a week, i had a low appertite. hopfully it will pass:winks:

She Alone
24-05-11, 00:37
No, he doesn't eat very well to begin with. (or drink water or exercise) but that's never been an issue before (the low temp I mean). His doctor said something that like because he wasn't eating much, his body was letting go of more heat? (He has a strong accent that I myself don't particularly understand very well).

I don't know. I just freaks me out.