View Full Version : in+out of panic attack

18-05-11, 23:53
Finding it hard to muster up words to be coherent.
Got attacked on the bus the other day - a teenager punched me after a few minutes of verbal abuse, with lots of people watching. Nobody stepped in.
Of course I cried a lot, reported it to the police, got a bruise etc. But after a couple of hours I stopped crying and took a wider perspective of the incident, thinking about it in terms of how can we stop young people from being violent, not about my own experience.

So it's hit me now. I'm scared, I'm at home alone. The door is locked and the gate too, but I'm still scared. I just watched that film Attack The Block - it's funny but so much of it rings true. That is what my area is like. These teens don't understand how much pain they can cause. My boyfriend pretty much saw me home but I walked the last stretch on my own and a couple of boys in a car were following me and trying to chat me up. Normally I would be flattered and amused but I was just afraid of contact with anyone in the dark, with my red coat on, which I suspect is what drew the attention of that boy on the bus.

Now I'm unreasonably scared. I was hyperventilating before but I have asthma so I was scared enough of having an attack to calm myself down.

I just don't feel safe!!! What can I do? I'm scared.

19-05-11, 00:10
Hi Lior, It doesn't sound unreasonable to be scared. If u feel able and want to..phone the samaritans. In the day time u could phone Victim Support for help (because of the bus violence)and they could see u personally and offer a one to one support. Hope this sort of helps. Take care x

19-05-11, 00:16
Hi lior. I too was attacked some time ago (not by a teenager) and I don't think you're being unreasonably scared. I think you have probably gone into delayed shock from the incident.

For tonight, have a drink of warm, sweet tea and wrap up warm. Snuggle into bed and try to rest, even if you can't sleep. Is there anyone else in the house with you, or anyone you could call to come over? If not, perhaps leave a radio on as having something to listen to does help still your thoughts.

I suggest you go and see your doctor and tell him/her what has happened. Talking to them might be enough, or they might refer you to a councellor to help you talk through the incident and get things back into perspective. Or the police Victim Suport Unit could help. Your feelings are perfectly legitimate and I hope you can overcome them soon.

25-05-11, 12:07
Thank you for your replies, I'm sorry I didn't respond at the time but they did help me! Thanks again xx