View Full Version : Horrible side effects i stopped Citalopram 1 week ago

Sarah Louise
19-05-11, 08:30
Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well, not been on for such a long time only to give my advice as since going on Citalopram and CBT i have been normal :D

Then came the dreaded news its time to reduce your dose and get you off the tablets. I felt positive at the time i felt ready.

I certainly didnt bank on all the side effects i am having since coming off them.

I have been feeling the anxiety, stomach ache quite bad at that, sickness, very light headed and floaty and very emotional not wanting to be on my own.

Its come as such a shock its hit me for 6 :weep: i'm scared that i am going to have the same awful journey as before and i think should i go back on them or should i give myself time and be strong??

Any advice apprecaited.

Love Sarah x x

19-05-11, 09:00
Did you come off the meds by tapering the dose slowly? It is quite normal to feel anxious for a while when you come off anti-depressants and it's because your body is adjusting to the change and NOT because you are unwell again. I would give it a few weeks (if you can bear it) and if you don't improve go back to your Doctor. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

Sarah Louise
19-05-11, 12:32
I came off them slowly i went from 60 - 40 - 30 - 20-10 over a year period i wanted to do it sensibly.

I do hope so mate its horrible feeling this way again doesnt help being at work full time then have a 16 month old to go home to. Then again it stops me from sitting and dwelling on my syptoms. the joys of llife!

22-05-11, 10:08
I reduced to 10 in the last few days and I feel absolutely exhausted, virtually falling asleep all the time. I feel physically sick and have quite bad headaches too. I'm sure it will pass but I was seeking reassurance too. x