View Full Version : My citalopram experience

19-05-11, 08:49
Hi everyone,

I've been on citalopram now for about six weeks and I just wanted to post to say how good my experience of it has been. Six weeks ago, I couldn't leave the house without having a major panic attack and I was so depressed that I was worried about killing myself. I had been taking fluoxetine 20mg and trying to up it to 40mg which wasn't working and was making me extremely aggitated. I had also dropped a stone in weight because I had no appetite and terrible IBS with diarrhoea all the time.

I basically got to the stage where I'd had enough and called my GP to ask him to section me because I was so afraid I would hurt myself. He came out to see me and after much persuading (I'm really medication phobic!), convinced me to change over to citalopram 20mg. I am so thankful that I took his advice. So far it has been wonderful.

For the first few days I noticed I was quite sleepy and suffered headaches, but then on about the fourth day I began to pick up. All the troubles I had been having with my stomach suddenly stopped and since then I have been eating normally again. I had a bit of a dip the next week (I think this coincided with my first psych appointment and having to go over all my problems), which lasted a few days, but after that I have slowly been getting better and better.

I haven't had another panic attack since starting citalopram and I now feel much happier. I've made a couple of huge breakthroughs this week too. I managed to eat out with my husband for our wedding anniversary and also went for a walk to the supermarket on my own. I'm always a bit worried about saying it just in case everything nose dives again, but I really think citalopram has worked wonders for me.

Laura x

19-05-11, 08:57
Thank you for sharing your experience. I have been prescribed Citalopram for panic disorder but the first time I took it I threw up and was too scared to take any more. I am desperate to get better and your story gives me hope. I intend to try the medication again but I would prefer to do it when I'm not alone in case I feel worse for a while (it's hard to imagine feeling any worse than the way I feel right now). It sounds like you are doing really well. I wish you a speedy recovery. xxx :flowers:

19-05-11, 09:01
Hi Laura

Im on day 2 of my 20mg Citalopram, and your post has made me feel a little more optimistic, Im feeling more agitated than normal, constant shaky feeling inside, and very nausious.

I actually feel a lot worse than i did before taking them. Heres hoping this feeling doesnt last very long, i feel horrible.

Sandra X

19-05-11, 12:36
Hi Shoegal

I got into a terrible state after I'd taken my first tablet. It took me nearly an hour to go through with taking it, I was so scared of the side effects. Then when I had taken it, I had a massive panic attack because I didn't know what it was going to do to me. Do you think it's possible that anxiety about taking it made you throw up and not a side effect?

Even if citalopram isn't right for you, there are plenty of other things out there. You just have to keep on trying. I didn't believe my GP six weeks ago when he kept saying I would get better, but I'm on my way there now. You can definitely get better too :)

I think you're right about trying the medication again when you're not alone. For the first week, I talked through everything little feeling and worry with my husband and he was a great help to reassure me. It's really important to have someone to support you.

Hope you feel better soon :flowers:

Laura x

19-05-11, 12:43
Hi Sandra

Hang on in there. Hopefully the side effects will wear off pretty quick for you.

Good luck,

Laura x

19-05-11, 20:18
Thank you for your kind words Laura. I do wonder if I reacted so badly to the meds because I was anxious, but I have tried 5 other anti-d's and all of them except one made me sick for a week. And when I say sick I mean laying on the sofa with a bucket kind of sick. Only one anti-d gave me no side effects but I'm not allowed to take that now because they have found out it causes heart problems in some patients. If it was psychological wouldn't I have reacted to that one too?

Anyway, I agree that it would be good to have somebody with me when I take my meds but I haven't got anybody. I only see my parents for half an hour once per week and apart form them I don't see anybody at all. I'm too scared to take the meds when I'm on my own though so I don't know what I'll do. :shrug:

19-05-11, 21:55
Hi Laura

Im on day 2 of my 20mg Citalopram, and your post has made me feel a little more optimistic, Im feeling more agitated than normal, constant shaky feeling inside, and very nausious.

I actually feel a lot worse than i did before taking them. Heres hoping this feeling doesnt last very long, i feel horrible.

Sandra X

Pretty much what I had when I first started taking 20mg, and the jumps up to 40 then 60. Similar symptoms.

It's a horrible feeling, I still feel rubbish, but I am hoping I will turn a corner. :yahoo:

19-05-11, 22:18
Hi Murph

Thanks for the reply, i really wasnt coping well with it and phoned my doc today, told him my symptoms, and he even thought they were a bit extreme.
He has told me to stop taking the Citalopram, and has prescribed Propranolol 40mg, twice a day, which i have to start tomorrow...im hoping this will be better...fingers crossed.
Its funny how tablets affect all folks differently..Hope you turn your corner soon. :D

19-05-11, 22:23
Why is my Dr telling me that I have to take the Citalopram no matter how bad it makes me feel for a month then? I was literally up all night vomiting and shaking violently.

20-05-11, 10:33
Thank you for your kind words Laura. I do wonder if I reacted so badly to the meds because I was anxious, but I have tried 5 other anti-d's and all of them except one made me sick for a week. And when I say sick I mean laying on the sofa with a bucket kind of sick. Only one anti-d gave me no side effects but I'm not allowed to take that now because they have found out it causes heart problems in some patients. If it was psychological wouldn't I have reacted to that one too?

Anyway, I agree that it would be good to have somebody with me when I take my meds but I haven't got anybody. I only see my parents for half an hour once per week and apart form them I don't see anybody at all. I'm too scared to take the meds when I'm on my own though so I don't know what I'll do. :shrug:

Maybe you could ask your GP for anti-sickness meds to get you through the first couple of weeks until the side effects have died down. I had them recently because my IBS was making me nauseous all the time and they were really good. They could be worth a try.

I'm really sorry to hear there's no one who can be with you. When I last tried to up my prozac, I did it alone. I found it reassuring to have the number for Samaritans handy just in case I had a major blip (I never called them) and also my GP told me I could call and speak to him if I had any problems. It's not much of a help I know, but it made me feel a bit better.

Laura x