View Full Version : when & how shall i up my dose ??

19-05-11, 09:12
am on 20mg citalopram and they are working for me as a few weeks back i wouldn't even want to go out the house but now am doing alot am just not 100% but i no i will get there soon any way i asked my doctor could she up my citalopram and she gave me 40mg am only on 20mg and thought i would only need 20mg and i would be back to my old self again as last time i was on citalopram 20 were great anyway am to scared to just go up2 40mg incase all the horrible side-effects start again how can i up my dose shall i start with just 30 for a week or so then go up o 40 or ??

19-05-11, 12:16
Hi honeyp1e,

40mg is quite a big jump from 20mg....I would definately be inclined to go up to 30mg first and see how you feel on that.

In my own experience of citilopram (took them on and off for around 9 years) I found 20mg a thereputic dose for me but when I went through I bad patch I would up the dose to 30mg and then reduce back to 20mg after a few months.

We are all different of course but I do think 20-40 is a big jump in one go!!

Hope that helps....and I doubt you will get the side effects like when first starting as your body is used to the meds now.


19-05-11, 16:33
Hi Honeyple
That is big jump from 20mg to 40mg
I would not do it all at once I should do it gradually
Try 30mg first and if you are okay on that I would stay on it for a bit and then if you do need to go any higher you can
Good luck but I would wait till you come of holiday incase you do get any side effects.


19-05-11, 17:28
The 20 mg i,m on i was ok on it but not perfect , but after 5 months and trying to help myself more by relaxing etc i,m getting back to normal ...slowly . I don,t want to up the dose as i want off them asap so i,m trying to self help aswell as the meds .
Just my two pence worth , we are all different , as always i wish you a speedy recovery which ever route you take :hugs:


19-05-11, 18:30
The 20 mg i,m on i was ok on it but not perfect , but after 5 months and trying to help myself more by relaxing etc i,m getting back to normal ...slowly . I don,t want to up the dose as i want off them asap so i,m trying to self help aswell as the meds .
Just my two pence worth , we are all different , as always i wish you a speedy recovery which ever route you take :hugs:


when i was on these a few years ago i was only ever on 20mg and that was great for me but i no that maybe for a while i need these a little higher than 20 x