View Full Version : yuck!

19-05-11, 09:22
Its my second day on 20mg of citalopram, and i feel worse than i did yesterday. i have a horrible headache and really bad shakes.
In honesty i feel like im on mars.
i really hope all of the side effects are worth it!
How long do they last?

19-05-11, 09:42
Hi Rhyaannon, I'm sorry you are having a bad time, but they are the usual side effects when first starting citalopram, however, you have started on 20mg, and that's quite high, you maybe should speak to your gp to reduce your starting dose to 10mg, and ease in gently. I started on 10mg for 2 weeks the upped to 20mg and the side effects lasted a couple of weeks, but got easier after the first week, it will be worth it as you will feel better it happens gradually but you will get there. hope this helps take care xxx:hugs:

19-05-11, 12:09
Hi Rhyannon,

I agree...if you are finding the side effects too much it may help to reduce to 10mg and then increase slowly, but only do this with your GP's say so.

Citalopram is a brilliant drug when it starts working but unfortunately some people suffer with the side effects when first taking it.

The side effects will disappear and then you will feel the benefit of the drug.

Take care and hope you feel better soon.
